Thursday, December 28, 2006

Vba Cheats For Pokemon Chaos Black


Economics Real Estate - Real Estate Economy (from the Anglo-Saxon arising from real = "good" and summer = "property"). It is used to define in its most extended the real estate sector of the economy-.

In the field are highlighted four main categories of professionals:

  • 1) technical professionals (engineers , architects, surveyors , surveyors, estate agents )
  • 2) economics profession (commercial, fiscal, administrative, financial);
  • 3) Operators without special approval (and / or training).
  • 4) Business management, enhancement, development, promotion, services, real estate investment.

Over the past 10 years, the Italian real estate sector has undergone a remarkable transformation in legislative measures that have facilitated the process of real estate financial activities, through the birth of project financing, real estate funds and securitization transactions. The importance that is taking over management of the real estate sector has led the industry for the operations referred to the need to field management and entrepreneurial skills with more advanced Consequences need for professionals and the market requires more sophisticated analysis tools.

The training industry is in Italy still developing initiatives with some of the faculties of Architecture with courses in Appraisal, Economic evaluation of projects and Economics of Urban or Rural, and initiatives supported by Faculty of Economics as the course "Financial Analysis of Real Estate Transactions "at the ' Bocconi University, a degree course in" Law and Economics Iimmobiliare intermediation and Administration at the University of Bari and the undergraduate degree in legal science curriculum in "real estate law "organized by ' Catholic University of Piacenza with the collaboration of Confedilizia . On the post-graduate SDA Bocconi with the course of Real Estate Finance. We should also mention the COREP the Polytechnic of Turin and the Department of BEST Politecnico of Milan .

With the birth of the Estate Agents and Territory government also is beginning to strongly play an important role in real estate and the State Property Agency in particular its real estate portal is a candidate to become soon an authoritative reference point for Italian real estate.

Project financing

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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The project financing (project financing or in English) is an operation financing of public works , Anglo-Saxon-inspired (but common in many European countries ), in which one or more parties (promoters) to propose a public administration to finance, execute and manage public works, whose project has already been approved, in exchange for profits to be derived from the flow cash (cash flow) generated precisely by an efficient management.

Involvement private parties not only in the creation and management, but mainly in the assumption total cost of public works in view of future earnings is the main feature of the economic operation. Already in the last century, between 1840 and 1860, most of the European railway network was built with financing techniques similar to project financing.

philosophy Financing Project is to involve the private sector in a project, to push him to find ways to make money for himself and for the community land or property that would otherwise remain unused for lack of funds.


Friday, December 22, 2006

Does Omeprazole Cause Drying Of Cervical Mucus

applied anthropology

"The problems of everyday life in urban areas, and the specific nature of social relations within them, have meant that the city was formed as a unit analyzed in terms of models that can connect different levels of society. (...).
urban anthropologist is not so much interested in urban life as such with its demographic characteristics more precisely, its investigation, rather, it focuses archipelago of small character that enliven the varied "theater" urban. By their tools of anthropology, (...) tells us (...) neighborhood, friendship and professional relations, youth gangs and petty crime (...) "(loosely quoted from the submission of a classic of urban anthropology, Ulf Hannerz, explore the city. Anthropology of urban life, il Mulino, Bologna 1992).

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Invitation Saying For 3rd Birthday

the discovery of flanerie!

lost in the city ': walk to walk

The modern cities where the networks are losing not only easy but also fascinating. Forget for a moment of our daily pedestrian path, imagine a day when, instead of going to the usual place of work, we come to a stop at random, and begin to wander around the city. We begin to lose. Walking is not to arrive at their destination, but for the sake of it, for the sake of discovering unseen corners.
literature, these "urban vagabonds," has made a typical figure: the flaneur .
The flaneur
appears for the first time in the mid-nineteenth century in Paris. And 'the loop, like a cross between bohemian and the Tramp, walking aimlessly through the streets, stopping occasionally to watch. In his role as observer the flaneur establishes a special relationship with the city, living as if it were their home. Its location does not match the rest of the multitude, what is passing for a predetermined path - the path of the market, Walter Benjamin would say - for he is a maze that changes shape with every step: lets himself be guided by the color of a facade , the disturbing uniformity of some windows, the look a mulatto. Baudelaire sees in flaneur the archetype of the modern (which was to have "something of the flaneur, the dandy and something something baby "), the only one capable of representing the liquidity of modern life.

In the twentieth century the art of walking practiced by flaneur is replaced by the surrealist practice of walking , which was to switch from one context to another city, wandering through the city in search of mental associations stimulated assembly of fragments from the psychic urban tasted. Surrealism is echoed in the 50s the Situationists, Guy Debord that incorporates the practice of wandering urban drift calling psychogeographic. psychogeography is a game and at the same time an effective method to determine the most suitable forms of deconstruction of a particular metropolitan area. So Debord defines it: "To make a comes, go walk around aimlessly or time. Choose as the path is not based on what you know, but based on what you see around. You have to be strange and look at everything as if for the first time. One way to facilitate and walking with measured steps and look slightly tilted upward, so as to bring the center of the visual field ARCHITECTURE and leave the road at the edge bottom of the view. You have to perceive the space as a whole and be attracted by details. "If we continue to play, to trace the various incarnations of the modern myth of the flaneur in our society ', we can close the circle with the writer metropolitans, those ghosts that pass through our city at night leaving a trail of graphics its passage, and sometimes subtle messages. The ultimate meaning of all these forms of urban nomadism in the fund is to be attributed to aseptic places of the metropolis more meanings, to try to link the spaces of urban geography in some significance that is not only functional, but also social.
That 's what makes even the national association of pedestrians, index each year a National Day of the pedestrian, to reclaim public places (this is also the motto of the English association, Reclaim the Street ) and establish them a relationship of sociality.
The city loses its static nature: it becomes a fluid network of paths that link together not only the places but also the private meanings, emotional, cultural, places where they are invested.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What Parts Of The Body Does Malaria

Associação Brasileira de Antropologia

A política das ruas

Manifestantes estendem faixa Piqueteros descansam na Praça de Maio Ex-combatentes da Malvinas protestam na Casa Rosada Multidão observa confronto entre policiais e piqueteros Multidão observa confronto entre policiais e piqueteros Ex-combatente da Guerra das Malvinas Multidão observa confronto entre policiais e piqueteros

Arqueologia urbana

Arqueologia da memória recente Arqueologia da memória recente Arqueologia da memória recente


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Making Pancakes With Krusteaz Waffle Mix

colette petonnet


Contents Foreword. Send feast on paper
Eliane Daphy ......................................... ......................................... 2
Science and friendship settings inseparable
Jacques Gutwirth ........................................ ................................... 3
jataka The shredder garden
Catherine Choron-Baix .. .................................................. ............. 7
Solemnities and insolence
Anne Raulin ............................. .................................................. ... 11
"We're all in the fog"
Jacques Katuszewski ................................ ................................... 17
The American adventure
Patrick Williams .... .................................................. The
...................... 21 requirements of friendship and scientific rigor
Daniel Terrolle ..................................... ......................................... 29
A white bird for Colette
Eliane Daphy ................................................. ............................... 33
Tribute to guide
Jane Brody .......... .................................................. .................... 37
Bibliography Colette Pétonnet
prepared and presented by Eliane Daphy ............... .................... 39

LAU - Laboratory of Urban Anthropology
Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Science Experiment To Test For Glucose


MAST is a workshop that explores the territory and society in all its sensitive nodes, which addresses the point of view of the practice of the great themes of changing realities.

MAST is constituted as a new museum without walls and without fixed abode, intent on drawing an anthropology of everyday life. Not a designated area, collector of books, but to transform the territory itself in a permanent laboratory space, therefore, to become his action.

The city and its people will be investigated through practices open, heterogeneous plurality of viewpoints, with a mobility of collective life and the folds of urban living, in order to understand the new arrangements and restores values \u200b\u200band opening new discussion spaces.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

International Jet Club

the Cecla

Monday, September 18, 2006

Chi Air Whats The Difference


Going Public 06 - Atlante Mediterraneo
Now in its fifth edition, the project Going Public is a work in progress ", which is developed by a research group with links both locally and internationally.
Atlante Mediterraneo. Topics and research.
Istanbul, Beirut, Nicosia, Tel Aviv, Alexandria, Barcelona
in 6 cities identified as "case studies" for the project Going Public'06. Atlante Mediterraneo artists, students, researchers, geographers and sociologists activate their research on topics: flows of people, economies and cultures. The identity of the Mediterranean, its diversity, its importance, its investment. Relations between the territories, rivers, towns and people, without interruption. Vertical and horizontal route between the Mediterranean and Europe East and West. From Barcelona to Istanbul, passing through cities such as Beirut, Nicosia, Tel Aviv, Alexandria. A circular motion and return of videos, contacts, migration, contamination, propagations endless. The effects of globalization and a different geopolitical scenario of rapidly changing phenomena of the sense of place and jeopardize the delicate balance of social and environmental issues. The abandonment of the traditions and the new growth of megacities, the growing migration flows and the tourist hotspots, the ancient trade routes and major infrastructure, the hybrid and complex role of cities and major ports on the Mediterranean, with their production cycles and recreational the social and ethnic components, the openings and connections to the surrounding area and the link with the continental scale. The birth of the "Euro-Mediterranean Area", and the activation of the corridor known as the "Meridian Corridor", act as local device for a comprehensive policy that covers all the Mediterranean countries, conceived as a single political / geographical one. It is therefore shares in favor of the encounter between different cultures and different peoples, geographical changes in the nodes exchange flow mobility. The project
Going Public'06. Atlante Mediterraneo develops in the autumn of 2006 a series of tasks, appointments of reflection, and "shows how shipments" in Italy and abroad, such as:
4 / September 10, 2006
Alexandria, Egypt. Fisherman village camp. (Workshop)
Participation with Gudran Association for Art and Development, the development of a rural area near Alexandria, Egypt. The art projects are used to encourage local people to produce works of craft and implement their village. The project with the young volunteers of Modena Going Public for the construction of a park, a public garden for everyone.
20/30 September 2006
Nicosia, Cyprus. Transcrossing memories. (Urban installations)
parallel to international art events, and through practical action on the territory together with the local communities, we intend to present the entire study and research of Going Public. The Memory Box, "mobile device" will serve as the traveling public space on both sides, and open to all. A sort of library that will be collected stories of people and made presentations, artists' projects, readings, films, video projections, debates, performances, ect ....
10/15 October 2006
Tel Aviv, Israel. Floating Symmetry. (Video installation)
Floating Symmetry is presented the project, undertaken by Ofri Cnaani (Israel), and Jenny Vogel (Germany). A multiple video projection that documents the journey made by the artists, to cover the distance sea-land that divides the island of Cyprus from the front city of Tel Aviv, in a process of geopolitical and human symmetry axis Nicosia-Jerusalem.
23/30 October 2006
Formigine and Modena, Italy. GOING PUBLIC '06. Mediterranean Atlas. (Workshops, international meetings, urban)
To facilitate the actual exchange between cultures and among young people, it is proposed a workshop with young artists / students of the area Young + formiginese study of five cities (Istanbul, Beirut, Nicosia, Alexandria , Barcelona) bordering the Mediterranean. Young people will be hosted by the province Modena Formigine and the workshop will be held by a major international artist.
The research results will be displayed in artistic and public venues to complement the publication / atlas / guide on the subject. Complete the program a meeting / lively debate with figures from the worlds of culture on this year.
projects of artists: Akram Zataari (Lebanon), Atlas Group (Beirut / NYC), Oda Projesi Achilles Kentonis (Nicosia), Sameh Elhalawany ( Alexandria, Egypt).
Contributions Critical: Tony Chakar (Lebanon), Vasif Kortun (Istanbul), Yannis Papadakis (Nicosia), Jorgos Tzirtzilakis (Greece), Marti Peran (Barcelona) and others.
urban artists' installations will be visible in the center of Formigine and the Central Station of Modena from October 30 to December 3.
Opening Saturday, October 29:
- 15 hours, public debate with the artists.
- 17:30 pm, opening with an aperitif, followed by party with music.
Via Cola Montano 8-20159 Milan
Tel-fax 02 6071623 -

Parisian Themed Kitchen Items

Mediterranean port city

city-port . TV

city-port and 'program activity' that 'the name of the section Special initiatives planned by 10. International Architecture Exhibition of Venice Biennale and the project Contemporary Directions for the South of Italy.
Creating a webTV that precede and follow the events and the events of Palermo aims to introduce the project partner in the world of flows and emotions that the cities' old port and produce new stir.

Friday, September 8, 2006

Azithromycin Time To Work Gonorrhea


specific article in English: Inner city

In U.S. and Britain the term "inner city" is used in some contexts to define a ' area, almost a ghetto, where residents are less affluent and where scholars and the crime rate is higher. These connotations are less common in other Western countries, where deprived areas are found in different parts of cities. In fact, one can witness the opposite phenomenon, with the influx of upper-class population in the central areas of the city, Originally low-level (this phenomenon is called in English gentrification - for example in Australia the name outer suburban refers to someone who is sophisticated in the ways and the cultural level. A the Paris city center the richest part of the metropolitan area, where homes are more expensive and where people live in higher income.

Especially in the USA is a widespread culture of anti-urbanization, which some are back to Thomas Jefferson , who wrote that "The crowds in large cities contribute to the support of pure government as sores help the strength of a human body. "Speaking of the businessmen who brought manufacturing industries in the cities, thus increasing the population density necessary to provide the workforce, he wrote" the producers of the big city .. . have created such a moral depravity in such a dependence and corruption, making them undesirable addition to a country whose morals are sound. "The anti-modern urban attitude is found in the United States in the form of a schedule that continues to bind suburban areas with low population density, in which access to leisure activities, work and buying comes almost exclusively through the use car, and do not walk.

However, there is a growing movement in North America called "New Urbanism, which advocates a return to traditional methods of urban planning, where management in areas of mixed population to allow access by walking from one use space to another. The basic idea is that living spaces, devoted to shopping, offices and leisure activities are available within walking distance, reducing the demand for driveways, thereby increasing the efficiency and functionality of public transport.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

How Early Can Cramps Start Before Menstruation

flash art

art centers and peripheries

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Is It Safe To Take Xanax After A Concussion


Profiles and practical space
Maria Pia Pozzato and Cristina Demaria (web publication March 21, 2006)

The workshop "Urban Ethnography: profiles and practical space" has taken on projects and work together in very different realities: a semiotic reading of New Babylon, the city imagined in the sixties by architects and artists of the Situationist movement, images and mosaics of the cities that dominate the screens of the installation of the Algerian Cosmopolis Maurice Benayoun, until the city re-imagined from the perception of their areas of decay. What emerged was a composite path that linked examples of artistic design and urban planning to observations as 'participants' on how some cities are used, as in the case of Florence, a city of art whose public spaces become more and more private spaces that tourists are having to 'buy' with their souvenirs. We would like to try to trace the most interesting information revealed in the studio dividing them into three broad areas: virtual and ideal cities, the actual practices of use and design, and finally, perceptions of the city and its security, its areas of exclusion and inclusion.

1. ideal cities / towns virtual
2. the city in the practices of use and design
3. degradation and control
4. sociologists and anthropologists in front of the city
5. to semiotic ethnography of the city: the city's image of Kevin Lynch
6. urban anthropology and semiotics: Ulf Hannerz

Brazillian Waxing Image

semiotics of the city suburbs

papers presented in the workshop of the XXXIII Congress dell'AISS
"For a semiotic the city. Social space and urban culture "
San Marino, 28-30 October 2005

Section maps and representations: city described and portraits possible
Francesca De Ruggieri Matrix and the city: the royal city / virtual city in contemporary visual culture

Maria Giulia Dondero

scenarios of self and monuments tourist posing in the photograph

Francis Galofaro

The city Richard Barreiro and Juan Gimenez

/ pdf (76 Kb)

Andri Gerber

Peter Eisenman from the description to the de-scription

Alice Giannitrapani

forms of identity construction sites: the case of Erice in tourist guides

Daniela Panosetti

The city schizophrenic. Discursive ambiguity and duplication will The trilogy of the city of K Agotha Kristof

Elisebha Fabienne Platzer

Why Invisible Cities?

Gabriele Salvatori

Neurosis and forms of metropolitan life. Three films of Woody Allen

Section Zone, borders, boundaries: the city as a cultural space

Pierluigi Brains,
Franciscu Seddon


Paul Bertetti The feeling trampled. For a semiotics of the sidewalk / pdf (312 Kb)

Valentina Tufts

Terrains vagues: the reverse of urban voids

Maria Jose Contreras

City under attack with bombs and poems

Marco Felici

design language and mindset of sustainability

Thomas Granelli

for a semiotics of Vague Terrain: from place to anomic dérive passionate

Dania Patassini

Metro-morphosis. mutations in the metro space 'in Paris (a translation problem space)

Elena Pirazzoli

Clubs and rubble inhabited Reconstruction ambiguous Beirut

Romana Rutelli

Metro, Underground, Subway and other public spaces of the border

Section Urban Ethnography: profiles and practical space

Maria Cristina De Maria Pia Pozzato


Emanuela Boni Lessing Information Systems and attributions of meaning / pdf (92 Kb)

Marco De Baptistis

Situationism and discourse on the city

Lucia Rita Monica Iorio

I Sassi di Matera: from space to space rock anthropological

Giorgio Lo Feudo Urban spaces between enjoyment and description. You can
a second baptism?
/ pdf (120 Kb)

Raul Magallon

Florence, a city sacred to profane: From public to private

Tiziana Best "Cosmopolis" by Maurice Benayoun. Ideal City in the logic of the Net

Annalisa Pelizza

Public Spaces at a crossroads. For an interpretation of the theme of "degradation": the case of the PSC of the Municipality of Bologna

Alessandro Rudelli

No more, no more .
Pragmatics and transformational generative semiotic schemes in urban areas of the control

Section public places and commercial areas: new forms of urban land pooling

Vanni Coderre

The city as a showcase

Pierluigi Musarò

The social significance of consumption: the commercial spaces as distributors of "ethics"

Andrea Pascali

space without history: the hypermarket and solitude to consumption

Gian Paolo Proni

The urban fashion shopping: problems and prospects of research

Maddalena Rinaldi

The museum of the company. The identity of the space between the exposure and interpretation

Friday, July 7, 2006

Wholesale Chicken Wings Mn

Slogan code in the radio, text messages and on public exchanges confirm the alarm - The word d 'order of these hours will be changed to "camouflage" - "Let's go downtown in the heart of the enemy" - Throughout France tam tam a dark threat from our correspondent LEONARDO COEN

"NIKE ta mère." Fuck you. Needless to insist, ask, then, is it true that you go to Paris tomorrow to demonstrate against Sarkozy? Answer: "Nike ta mère." Forget it. The boys of North African origin moves faster, pull up the clip of the vest, dark disappears. Marseille is relatively quiet tonight. The sirens of "Batar keuf," the police bastards (the language of the banlieue is almost phonetic) feel little. The racailles miserable suburbs of Marseille were at home. They say instead of something they did in Juan les Pins and Nice. Also in Toulouse, burned cars in the neighborhood of Mirail. In Bordeaux they burned seven police cars. In Lille the same old story. The bulletins are reluctant, in terms of numbers. Radio and TV news that some want to avoid inciting the riots. Radio Soleil, the most popular station (there is also in Paris) direct the French and North African immigrants of Arab origin, in Arabic broadcasts on 89.7, a lot, and little French. Tonight music, more than usual. Advertisement. Therefore, it is difficult to understand if it is true that it is preparing the invasion of the barbarians in Paris, as the authorities fear instead gave the alarm. Men dell'OCLCTIC intercepted messages "unequivocal." The acronym stands for the central office to combat crime related to information and communication technology and depends on the prosecutor in Paris. It 's the secret. Everybody knows that the revolt and fought on the Internet that the insurgents are exchanging messages with mobile phones: the suburbs of metropolitan Indians launch so their signals of war, does not care if I find anything, in fact, that makes them even more audacious rebellion. The police ranger
intercept them and decipher the tam tam. SMS as a call to battle, violence, the challenge. The social hatred, some of them writes it, a sign that this guerrilla war against exclusion and oblivion is not born by chance. SMS, then. For example, among the most popular and most disturbing: "On va bruler Paname". Cried the pirates of the Caribbean, only in 2005 that Panama is the Paris of Sarkozy, Chirac's viceroy. "All the feu leur foutre," and here the interpretation is just one: we're going to rub the fire, that the weapons, the flic, police officers. We use the terminology 'texto', indicating the broad agenda of the campaign to fight: "On va dans le Centre de Paris que tout le monde prend peur.", The goal is clear, we go straight into the heart of the enemy, in the city of the rich, show that emerge from the ghettos, we bring the suburbs into the center: the Champs Elysées, Bastille, République, 'the Arc du Triomphe, the Halles. All addresses correspond to the metro stop. More difficult to intercept voicemail messages for answering machines: the police are concerned that those "real" and that "casseurs" use public telephone booths or regular phones. Between security analysts doubt there is a French that all this flourish of messages that incite to attack the police and make you fall on the capital from the "periphery of the periphery" which means the rest of France, it was just a huge joke, a way to excite the unit price and to keep it under pressure. A provocation to scare the public. What the 73 percent approved the curfew in the city at risk. A single strategy behind all this? Or a spontaneous phenomenon of CYBERNAUT that is powered through the web contact and word of mouth? The site was started as bouna93skyblog blog in memory of Bouna Traore and Zyed Benna, the two young men died after being electrocuted in an electric refugees. In twelve days he accumulated the beauty of 3.2 million web pages, but had also become a virtual place to cultivate anger and violence. E 'was armored. Same fate for many other suspicious addresses, especially those which refer to DJ, rappers. The cercledurap was disabled because it did not guarantee the conditions of use prescribed by the master skyblog. In Marseilles, the capital of rai music and rap extreme, the rebels in the suburbs prefer to be called lascar: el Askar Arabic-Persian military means, because they see themselves as soldiers of the suburbs that are expected to be courageous and determined. Knowing they can not compete with the police, the cunning use of the poor and marginalized, play like a mouse with the cat. In self-deprecating sense, the Arabs of these huge phalansteries (the outskirts of Marseille known to be horrible and tragic) is defined as "rat" (in French, in fact, mouse). Only that the meaning is substantially different: rat as people who are rampant that the company wants to invade. The jargon is essential. It 's like a password existential. Not by chance, to try to understand what happens we must first understand the language of the suburbs. In the last few hours the word that is spilling from the river of rebellion is "mimicry." Tighten the ranks, fold and blend into neighborhoods. Wait. And then strike again. Again. So, what's to lose? And it is curious to see more outbreaks of rebellion irreducible are not around Paris, but in cities such as Lille - traditional bastion of radical Islam. O Toulouse, Saint-Etienne, Lyon, Mulhouse, Strasbourg, Nice. Industrial city, such as Nice, capital of the Riviera, the city where social contrasts are enormous, unbearable. And where the rebellion is daily. But for years.
(November 12, 2005)

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Jaw Implants Before And After In Canada

WOOSTER a celebration of street art

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Is Beautiful Agony Safe?

os Urbanitas BRASIL

in inglese BRASILE


How Do You Delete Games From Gpsphone

urban anthropology ITALY

Contribution presented at the Conference "Studies of the history of anthropology in Italy "
Villa Mirafiori, Room VI, Roma 12 - 13 - 14 October 1995


1. Questions of etiquette
2. The paths of urban anthropological research
2.2. Urban Studies in third world countries and developing
2.3. Studies aimed at companies belonging anthropologist
2.4. Studies on the town as a social institution
3. City and Society: conceptualizations
3.1. Functionalism and community studies
3.2. Crisis of paradigms strong
3.3. Towards a new paradigm

Abstract The article reviews the emergence specialization in particular as regards the scope of urban U.S. and UK, seeking to demonstrate that the emergence of this field of study is well connected to important transformations in the global political-historical context in which the anthropologist is part, also Fundamental changes in the theoretical and epistemological investing contemporary anthropology and human sciences in general.

Monday, July 3, 2006

Sunamerica Annuities Protection From Aig

emotional geography

January 15, 2006

It 'something like that emerges, something that has been done but for some reason was forgotten: the need to share the natural landscape, but also the urban as atmospheres of. This need of remembrance is called "emotional geography is an aesthetic movement that in recent years has been able to in New York or Tokyo, Berlin or London, the symptoms of an awakened need for a stay in a room and tell part by emotion which can give. In the era of being everywhere, but actually feel disoriented, sensory experiences, touch, smell, taste, glare interior are anchors that help to perceive the space that you live. The trip, on the other side of the world as well as the pedestrian crossing under the house, that apply to transmit feelings.

To tell this philosophy, there is a magazine in Italy. A quarterly born in Milan, but with international firms. It's called Aria.
Laura Broggi - "Air" - : "In an age of visual overload, just the images do not seem to be enough. The city, the country once again becomes a place to go. You want a place to rediscover that conveys the emotion rather than time, unnecessarily increased, which forces a scan. You want to listen rather than watch it as a simple catalog of exterior surfaces: buildings, objects, clothes or attitudes if you prefer. Emotional geography means looking at things and people and hear what might come to mind in relation to the most unlikely things. Think of people you are watching a piano, a showcase, a work of art, a way ".
A geography emotional but not to be confused with the simple emotions surface, with the immediate response and complacency. E 'rather than the practice experiences that help in preparing a personal, intimate routes.
It 's a bit that "from self" which contains both the idea itself but also the beginning of removal itself, just to travel and discover their own geography.
Laura Broggi: " Photography, film, art, design ... The emotional geography is declined in the various artistic practices: images that tell of transparencies and mirrors, pictures that are not only what they see, stories that describe particular places temporary, internal ordinary; architecture on the edge of abandonment. Anything to do with the ideas of celebration and excitement. "
Giuliana Bruno, the theory that kicked off this trend, he lives in the United States, is a professor at Harvard. For her it was the beginning of a new era after postmodernism. From out of things to occur years ago with the desire to understand what all the places you live. E 'which means that i-move your out of themselves, perhaps without coordinated look with the new normal.
Laura Broggi: " Whether the trend is also found in newspapers and books. The law calls for a simple design but with a strong emotional impact. Rethought starting from the small town of emotions. To listen to the passage of seasons, to make room in the dark, to perceive odors and spaces. We learn that science has discovered the mirror neurons: that is the secret of emotions. It is said of profiles for new professions, such as the Environmental Organizer emotion. We organize dinners and parties in the dark, but quiet, to awaken sleeping perceptions. The museum set olfactory pathways and tactile. The rising columns of marketing stimuli perception around each product. Even the last festival was dedicated to the philosophy of the senses, to the body. In short, the desire to feel the world makes its way in a society as a whole turned to what you see. "
From advertising to design, lifestyle, through architecture and narrative, fashion, film and art a lot of light seems to reverberate ' emotional. This trend reflected in a cinema, a certain narrative, its own aesthetic codes. A vein that passes from Wenders to Sofia Coppola, Wong Kar Wai and Paolo Sorrentino . From Kuitca and Wilson to Hillman , Woodmann and Chiaramonte. E 'praise of the shadow of the Biennale Forster.
One thing is certain: the emotional geography of bulimia is not new but rather a strange feeling to put it differently, and as Voltaire " The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes ".


Daisy Badge Placement 2010

January 22, 2006

The starting point is France, where the explosion of the suburbs is part of a long tradition of social unrest. Architects, sociologists, economists, geographers, artists debating the issue in order to study the urban fabric and its evolution, to understand the phenomenon and come to conclusions often contradictory.
For some it is not true that all devices are bad, that wherever you live and you feel bad the marginalized, the excluded.
For others, however, always be regarded as places of conflict and contrasts, difficult, and uninhabitable. In the quarrel between the different points of view emerges that the suburbs are no longer willing to edge of town, but it can also be found everywhere within the city. The geographical distance is no longer only because those who live ends up internalizing that invisible line that separates them from other districts.
Refer to redesign the big names, break down to rebuild from scratch, embellish them, soaking, turn them into cultural parks ... to live better.
Milan until 29 January, the Royal Palace hosts a tour of landscapes, buildings, faces, an exhibition organized by Federico Motta Editore.
one century to another. From this Sironi. From the outskirts desolate and abandoned yesterday, of today. A sort of visual counterpoint made by the incursions into the landscape Urban Photographer Francesco Iodice.
A comparison between two artists, including the place of constant Permeke and those of Mario Sironi, to highlight similarities and differences, similarities and distances. Those that are seen are not places of alienation of the urban proletariat, but a symbol of modernity. Where the factories are seen as the new cathedrals of the industrial age.
If some suburbs of today are nothing but deserts constructed residential blocks, condominiums dormitories, other facilities equipped and pleasant spaces for leisure and a good quality of life because of the free traffic and quick and easy accessibility.
The exhibition at Palazzo Reale was also At a meeting to address the topic, starting from different points of view and experiences.
The beautiful suburbs that we encountered in the north of Europe speak of environmentally friendly materials and energy saving, green spaces, infrastructure and services, intelligent design solutions that result in pleasant buildings and human dimensions, where you live and you do not is stored, where hardship and discontent can only be seen as an excuse to make trouble. Whatever.
In Lyon, France in a working class neighborhood has been transformed into open-air museum.
To celebrate an illustrious citizen, the architect Tony Garnier, but also to restore dignity to those living there.
social problems seem to disappear behind repainted facades, painted walls, palaces, decorated, embellished, rivivacizzati with a coat of color.
The architects do not have to assign political responsibility, otherwise they are given power over a society that does not really have ever had.

black page
periphery to the center

The focus of the municipal government, politics, and of course ... 'economy. If there
a center is inevitable that there will be a suburb. The center is prestige, is the image, you can.
The periphery is the denial of these things, but also architectural destruction, degradation and absence, at times, everything.
Coloriamole, piantumiamole, organizziamole ... will be more beautiful: they are the promises of new mayors, Urbanism and Culture.
Abbattiamole, ricostruiamole, firmiamole ... will be more beautiful: they promise real estate agents, companies, banks and politicians at election time.
Two roads that do not remove the problem already exploded in Paris.
already some signs, however, is the fashion. Important
showroom leaving the center for larger spaces, less expensive and easier to achieve.
followed by young entrepreneurs, artists, graphic designers, photographers and more libraries, galleries, ethnic restaurants and bars to illuminate the darkness of night.
So ...
many realities, many found interest in the suburbs as in the center.
E 'Giorgio Armani was the first to give a strong signal here in Milan.
In the former industrial area of \u200b\u200bPorta Genova, brought the center ... I have followed many.

Fabrizio Pasquero

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Is It Normal For Your Cherry To Pop

city suburbs to kiss

card / 1
The structural plan
The Region of Tuscany in 1995 launched Law No. 5 that define the Structural Plan as new instruments of urban territories. That law decreed that the reform of land-use plan to overcome the excessive rigidity of the procedures that all too often forced to land at a drawing table. A tool, in essence, too bureaucratic and constrained an approval process very long and slow, so that in Scandicci, to launch the old Master Plan, were necessary, from baseline to the final, almost ten years. The first phase of work will be devoted to a series of spatial analysis, socio-economic and demographic trends that build the big picture. Will be jointly developed through the involvement of the major players in the area (whether single or combined), a strategic document that will contain all development areas and invariant aspects of the territory. Follow the work on the planning rules that will concentrate on possible interventions on the existing system, and a job, more specific and operational, the new city center, which will materialize with the first elements of the architectural design of the tramway station.
Card / 2
The city participation and inform
title and cover I already say "change with our changing city." Together, in fact, under the banner of social dialogue and involvement of citizens. For Scandicci, a method to another is not new and that the Administration has already experimented with the forum "Scandicci experimental city" and the initiative Participatory planning in the district of Vingone. A method Gheri confirms when he says that "in drawing up the plan will be practiced a form of" active listening "of citizens, social organizations and economic operators of the most important economic, social organizations, through the creation of workshops, specific working groups focus groups and strategic, coordinated by our consultants and other specific academic skills. " Inside this path even schools. Some classes of middle school, a relationship already started to receive their "contribution to building a sustainable city of the boys and girls." School students involved in work on the needs of youth, and those of the Newton-Russell engaged in more "operational" with research on the housing stock. To all others, the city of the citizens and economic operators, Gheri thinks contact with a strategy of communication and information "that can affect the vision that citizens have of their city and inspire a feeling empathy for change."
Card / 3
The size of the district
"To build a city whose best fit is tailored to the different" body types "of its social segments, the size of neighborhood is one of the measures be taken into account to address trend is the aging of the population that needs posed by children and young people. "The Report of the deputy mayor and city planning commissioner devotes a chapter to enhance the size of the district without affirming their self-sufficiency. And since the space inside urban 'neighborhood' is easy on foot or bike, shopping, collecting a pension, go to the doctor or to the garden to play or read the newspaper, "says Gera," including forms of participatory planning, we provide incentives for action of reinvention and regeneration of existing urban fabric and mending and complete with new buildings.