The modern cities where the networks are losing not only easy but also fascinating. Forget for a moment of our daily pedestrian path, imagine a day when, instead of going to the usual place of work, we come to a stop at random, and begin to wander around the city. We begin to lose. Walking is not to arrive at their destination, but for the sake of it, for the sake of discovering unseen corners.
literature, these "urban vagabonds," has made a typical figure: the flaneur .
The flaneur
appears for the first time in the mid-nineteenth century in Paris. And 'the loop, like a cross between bohemian and the Tramp, walking aimlessly through the streets, stopping occasionally to watch. In his role as observer the flaneur establishes a special relationship with the city, living as if it were their home. Its location does not match the rest of the multitude, what is passing for a predetermined path - the path of the market, Walter Benjamin would say - for he is a maze that changes shape with every step: lets himself be guided by the color of a facade , the disturbing uniformity of some windows, the look a mulatto. Baudelaire sees in flaneur the archetype of the modern (which was to have "something of the flaneur, the dandy and something something baby "), the only one capable of representing the liquidity of modern life.
In the twentieth century the art of walking practiced by flaneur is replaced by the surrealist practice of walking , which was to switch from one context to another city, wandering through the city in search of mental associations stimulated assembly of fragments from the psychic urban tasted. Surrealism is echoed in the 50s the Situationists, Guy Debord that incorporates the practice of wandering urban drift calling psychogeographic. psychogeography is a game and at the same time an effective method to determine the most suitable forms of deconstruction of a particular metropolitan area. So
Debord defines it: "To make a comes, go walk around aimlessly or time. Choose as the path is not based on what you know, but based on what you see around. You have to be strange and look at everything as if for the first time. One way to facilitate and walking with measured steps and look slightly tilted upward, so as to bring the center of the visual field ARCHITECTURE and leave the road at the edge bottom of the view. You have to perceive the space as a whole and be attracted by details. "If we continue to play, to trace the various incarnations of the modern myth of the flaneur in our society ', we can close the circle with the writer metropolitans, those ghosts that pass through our city at night leaving a trail of graphics its passage, and sometimes subtle messages. The ultimate meaning of all these forms of urban nomadism in the fund is to be attributed to aseptic places of the metropolis more meanings, to try to link the spaces of urban geography in some significance that is not only functional, but also social.
That 's what makes even the national association of pedestrians, index each year a National Day of the pedestrian, to reclaim public places (this is also the motto of the English association, Reclaim the Street ) and establish them a relationship of sociality.
The city loses its static nature: it becomes a fluid network of paths that link together not only the places but also the private meanings, emotional, cultural, places where they are invested.
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