Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Brazillian Waxing Image

semiotics of the city suburbs

papers presented in the workshop of the XXXIII Congress dell'AISS
"For a semiotic the city. Social space and urban culture "
San Marino, 28-30 October 2005

Section maps and representations: city described and portraits possible
Francesca De Ruggieri Matrix and the city: the royal city / virtual city in contemporary visual culture

Maria Giulia Dondero

scenarios of self and monuments tourist posing in the photograph

Francis Galofaro

The city Richard Barreiro and Juan Gimenez

/ pdf (76 Kb)

Andri Gerber

Peter Eisenman from the description to the de-scription

Alice Giannitrapani

forms of identity construction sites: the case of Erice in tourist guides

Daniela Panosetti

The city schizophrenic. Discursive ambiguity and duplication will The trilogy of the city of K Agotha Kristof

Elisebha Fabienne Platzer

Why Invisible Cities?

Gabriele Salvatori

Neurosis and forms of metropolitan life. Three films of Woody Allen

Section Zone, borders, boundaries: the city as a cultural space

Pierluigi Brains,
Franciscu Seddon


Paul Bertetti The feeling trampled. For a semiotics of the sidewalk / pdf (312 Kb)

Valentina Tufts

Terrains vagues: the reverse of urban voids

Maria Jose Contreras

City under attack with bombs and poems

Marco Felici

design language and mindset of sustainability

Thomas Granelli

for a semiotics of Vague Terrain: from place to anomic dérive passionate

Dania Patassini

Metro-morphosis. mutations in the metro space 'in Paris (a translation problem space)

Elena Pirazzoli

Clubs and rubble inhabited Reconstruction ambiguous Beirut

Romana Rutelli

Metro, Underground, Subway and other public spaces of the border

Section Urban Ethnography: profiles and practical space

Maria Cristina De Maria Pia Pozzato


Emanuela Boni Lessing Information Systems and attributions of meaning / pdf (92 Kb)

Marco De Baptistis

Situationism and discourse on the city

Lucia Rita Monica Iorio

I Sassi di Matera: from space to space rock anthropological

Giorgio Lo Feudo Urban spaces between enjoyment and description. You can
a second baptism?
/ pdf (120 Kb)

Raul Magallon

Florence, a city sacred to profane: From public to private

Tiziana Best "Cosmopolis" by Maurice Benayoun. Ideal City in the logic of the Net

Annalisa Pelizza

Public Spaces at a crossroads. For an interpretation of the theme of "degradation": the case of the PSC of the Municipality of Bologna

Alessandro Rudelli

No more, no more .
Pragmatics and transformational generative semiotic schemes in urban areas of the control

Section public places and commercial areas: new forms of urban land pooling

Vanni Coderre

The city as a showcase

Pierluigi Musarò

The social significance of consumption: the commercial spaces as distributors of "ethics"

Andrea Pascali

space without history: the hypermarket and solitude to consumption

Gian Paolo Proni

The urban fashion shopping: problems and prospects of research

Maddalena Rinaldi

The museum of the company. The identity of the space between the exposure and interpretation


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