Economics Real Estate - Real Estate Economy (from the Anglo-Saxon arising from real = "good" and summer = "property"). It is used to define in its most extended the real estate sector of the economy-.
In the field are highlighted four main categories of professionals:
- 1) technical professionals (engineers , architects, surveyors , surveyors, estate agents )
- 2) economics profession (commercial, fiscal, administrative, financial);
- 3) Operators without special approval (and / or training).
- 4) Business management, enhancement, development, promotion, services, real estate investment.
Over the past 10 years, the Italian real estate sector has undergone a remarkable transformation in legislative measures that have facilitated the process of real estate financial activities, through the birth of project financing, real estate funds and securitization transactions. The importance that is taking over management of the real estate sector has led the industry for the operations referred to the need to field management and entrepreneurial skills with more advanced Consequences need for professionals and the market requires more sophisticated analysis tools.
The training industry is in Italy still developing initiatives with some of the faculties of Architecture with courses in Appraisal, Economic evaluation of projects and Economics of Urban or Rural, and initiatives supported by Faculty of Economics as the course "Financial Analysis of Real Estate Transactions "at the ' Bocconi University, a degree course in" Law and Economics Iimmobiliare intermediation and Administration at the University of Bari and the undergraduate degree in legal science curriculum in "real estate law "organized by ' Catholic University of Piacenza with the collaboration of Confedilizia . On the post-graduate SDA Bocconi with the course of Real Estate Finance. We should also mention the COREP the Polytechnic of Turin and the Department of BEST Politecnico of Milan .
With the birth of the Estate Agents and Territory government also is beginning to strongly play an important role in real estate and the State Property Agency in particular its real estate portal is a candidate to become soon an authoritative reference point for Italian real estate.
Project financing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The project financing (project financing or in English) is an operation financing of public works , Anglo-Saxon-inspired (but common in many European countries ), in which one or more parties (promoters) to propose a public administration to finance, execute and manage public works, whose project has already been approved, in exchange for profits to be derived from the flow cash (cash flow) generated precisely by an efficient management.
Involvement private parties not only in the creation and management, but mainly in the assumption total cost of public works in view of future earnings is the main feature of the economic operation. Already in the last century, between 1840 and 1860, most of the European railway network was built with financing techniques similar to project financing.
philosophy Financing Project is to involve the private sector in a project, to push him to find ways to make money for himself and for the community land or property that would otherwise remain unused for lack of funds.
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