card / 1 The structural plan The Region of Tuscany in 1995 launched Law No. 5 that define the Structural Plan as new instruments of urban territories. That law decreed that the reform of land-use plan to overcome the excessive rigidity of the procedures that all too often forced to land at a drawing table. A tool, in essence, too bureaucratic and constrained an approval process very long and slow, so that in Scandicci, to launch the old Master Plan, were necessary, from baseline to the final, almost ten years. The first phase of work will be devoted to a series of spatial analysis, socio-economic and demographic trends that build the big picture. Will be jointly developed through the involvement of the major players in the area (whether single or combined), a strategic document that will contain all development areas and invariant aspects of the territory. Follow the work on the planning rules that will concentrate on possible interventions on the existing system, and a job, more specific and operational, the new city center, which will materialize with the first elements of the architectural design of the tramway station. | |
Card / 2 The city participation and inform title and cover I already say "change with our changing city." Together, in fact, under the banner of social dialogue and involvement of citizens. For Scandicci, a method to another is not new and that the Administration has already experimented with the forum "Scandicci experimental city" and the initiative Participatory planning in the district of Vingone. A method Gheri confirms when he says that "in drawing up the plan will be practiced a form of" active listening "of citizens, social organizations and economic operators of the most important economic, social organizations, through the creation of workshops, specific working groups focus groups and strategic, coordinated by our consultants and other specific academic skills. " Inside this path even schools. Some classes of middle school, a relationship already started to receive their "contribution to building a sustainable city of the boys and girls." School students involved in work on the needs of youth, and those of the Newton-Russell engaged in more "operational" with research on the housing stock. To all others, the city of the citizens and economic operators, Gheri thinks contact with a strategy of communication and information "that can affect the vision that citizens have of their city and inspire a feeling empathy for change." | |
Card / 3 The size of the district "To build a city whose best fit is tailored to the different" body types "of its social segments, the size of neighborhood is one of the measures be taken into account to address trend is the aging of the population that needs posed by children and young people. "The Report of the deputy mayor and city planning commissioner devotes a chapter to enhance the size of the district without affirming their self-sufficiency. And since the space inside urban 'neighborhood' is easy on foot or bike, shopping, collecting a pension, go to the doctor or to the garden to play or read the newspaper, "says Gera," including forms of participatory planning, we provide incentives for action of reinvention and regeneration of existing urban fabric and mending and complete with new buildings. |
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