Friday, September 8, 2006

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specific article in English: Inner city

In U.S. and Britain the term "inner city" is used in some contexts to define a ' area, almost a ghetto, where residents are less affluent and where scholars and the crime rate is higher. These connotations are less common in other Western countries, where deprived areas are found in different parts of cities. In fact, one can witness the opposite phenomenon, with the influx of upper-class population in the central areas of the city, Originally low-level (this phenomenon is called in English gentrification - for example in Australia the name outer suburban refers to someone who is sophisticated in the ways and the cultural level. A the Paris city center the richest part of the metropolitan area, where homes are more expensive and where people live in higher income.

Especially in the USA is a widespread culture of anti-urbanization, which some are back to Thomas Jefferson , who wrote that "The crowds in large cities contribute to the support of pure government as sores help the strength of a human body. "Speaking of the businessmen who brought manufacturing industries in the cities, thus increasing the population density necessary to provide the workforce, he wrote" the producers of the big city .. . have created such a moral depravity in such a dependence and corruption, making them undesirable addition to a country whose morals are sound. "The anti-modern urban attitude is found in the United States in the form of a schedule that continues to bind suburban areas with low population density, in which access to leisure activities, work and buying comes almost exclusively through the use car, and do not walk.

However, there is a growing movement in North America called "New Urbanism, which advocates a return to traditional methods of urban planning, where management in areas of mixed population to allow access by walking from one use space to another. The basic idea is that living spaces, devoted to shopping, offices and leisure activities are available within walking distance, reducing the demand for driveways, thereby increasing the efficiency and functionality of public transport.


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