Declaration Piero Ruzzante, Regional Director of the PD
The data published by "Il Sole 24 ore" of today - relating to the alleged effects on the budgets of the last common corrective action launched by the Government - if they were confirmed by the facts, would not only horrifying, but once again demonstrate the falsehood of all claims el'inconsistenza League on fiscal federalism.
data to the hand, if Parma, between the provincial capitals, Sting is the most of Italy, Veneto in this sad record is up to Padua, which is a close 13th place nationally. In 2011, the maneuver will deduct € 162 per inhabitant of Padua and will result implied a cut in expenditure of 11, 7%. In 2012, what is worse: the maneuver will cost 189 euro per capita and will lead to a cut in expenditure of 13.6%. But even in Vicenza, Verona, Venice and Treviso will feel the effects of the dark. In general, in the municipalities of the Veneto, the maneuver will affect 87 € per capita and mean for them, making an average implicit cut spending 's 8.7%. And the situation is even more dramatic when one considers the numbers related to all the Italian municipalities, not just capital of the province. You know what they have in common Loreggia, Vigasio, Giavera Montello Santorso, Rossano Veneto, Ponzano Veneto, Casalserugo, Casale sul Sile, Isola Vicentina, Maserada on the Piave, Fontana and San Martino di Lupari? They are all common and Venetian are among the top twenty all Italian municipalities that will suffer dramatic cuts in spending next year. Out of a total of twenty municipalities have fewer than 12 Venetian! And with Loreggia that if he wanted to meet for next year, the Stability Pact imposed by the government should cut spending from 60.3%, we are first. This will involve a cost of 362 € for each of the 7,094 inhabitants of that municipality. San Martino di Lupari, but that closes this sad list, will have to cut of 30.2%. But not all. Cuts to municipalities, you must also add the cuts to about 10 billion euro, planned for the regions in the period 2011/2012: as evidenced by a recent study by the CGIA Mestre, the maneuver will lead to a cut in spending for the region of 22 , 9%, at a cost to each citizen of the Venetian € 129 per capita, combined with that, very likely, that will suffer from their municipality. E 'fiscal federalism this league? That 's what Zaia meant when he said during the campaign "before the Veneto? Before what? For now we are the first to suffer from the indiscriminate cuts that helps promote the league, when in Rome. The fiscal federalism makes sense and it stops being a slogan if it becomes a means to allow municipalities to retain their territory a part of the wealth produced, dedicated to improving the quality of life of citizens. If, however, is simply a bureaucratic new procedure, only useful to get your hands in the pockets of the Veneto, is useless and does not affect anyone, and, sooner or later will turn into a real boomerang for the League's propaganda. "
Piero Ruzzante
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