Dear Dave, I'm sorry if I reply to your letter only now, but I was very committed to me I do 2.Bah.Ora ribs Commercial Criminal and Commercial on the same day, I spend at least one? Am worried my exams and my pile are more and more white hair to do that for my brother and I give them. But it is not
finita.Antonio packed his bags and went away to casa.Scuse confused: we are not getting along, I try to home with my sister, coast troppo.Scuse also legitimately be cut to a roommate pain in the ass, but not to friend you've known quand'avevi 3 years. Imagine my delusione.Mio father is in the ball because his family refuses to pay the dues of rent until September, that is € 1500 and we do not know where to pull all these soldi.Comunque, these speeches are boring, let them lose .
Gilmour seems to get better, and I mean doing all the spells possible, but thankfully he took some chilo.Grazie for your interest. My health is still very poor: they are still febbricitante.Ho did a calculation the other day: they are exactly 14 months that I have the flu, with peaks of more or less alti.Bello!
In your letter you told me about a new beau: how? It 's beautiful, friendly? Must be if he gained a place in your heart, so precious to me!
I decided, and you say "finally!" Coelho.Dopo to stop reading a little break my balls with his spirit of happy ending: in all his books are all the treasure, love, God And I am here to cascade as many as 8 books, then the Alchemist nipped me, it was too. The fact that he has managed to achieve in whatever he wanted against the wishes of his father made him too optimistic. He sees that he is 1 in 1 million? He does not see the misery that's around? Even in "11 minutes", where he spoke of prostitution, ended up marrying the prostitute with a wealthy painter.
Just Coelho So. But I made up
piĆ¹lungo leg, I started Virginia Wolf: I think I commit suicide within the next mese.Nons i can go from dull and almost constant happy ending coelho books to despair of schizophrenic Wolf.Io already are in voluble my (barbiturates in questoperiodo stress causing me palpitations sudden impulses of anger, laughter and tears incotrollabile no reason), if I go ahead with these readings'll just end up doing the emo.
And you? Are you happy? Why are you so far? Do you think that being away will strengthen our friendship? Perhaps so, perhaps, si.Mai cold, always honest, but with our secret: In your letter you tell me what you want and I can not spy your life as if we visited each day and so do you.
But I would walk again with you, you on my side. I would suffice Thee as I spy scrivi.Vedere your face or try to read your thoughts, see the doodles you draw the foul and then store it in a drawer to get a copy of the letter. I do too.
I miss you ... I miss so many cose.E what do you lack? If I could make a wish, a desire FOR YOU, no stuff from Miss Italy "I want all children to have a cake day." So who would you choose to do good to altri.Per that binds you to my question for you. " What do you want from life? Just London? Just a job, friends, lunches, our letters? enough? They go so well for you to want nothing more? And you're all right? Your hair mussed, your tall and skinny you okay?
I want you to be happy, that what you and people like me, you have, you are enough and makes you happy. You make me happy.
I kiss you.
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