interview taken from Corsera
Magazine (Published 08/05/2004)
"Marco Pannella sheds light." Said Capezzone, 31, secretary of the Italian Radicals. Moment of madness by charisma? Viewing from a shepherdess of Lourdes? Or just trying to explain the incredible relationship between the Old Man and the thousands of young people who go to water for fifty years to his passion and his political culture?
Capezzone, what is the story of panels that gives you the light?
"sand, nun ce test. The Perna wrote in the Journal. I had said something else. "
What you said?
"I said Pannella is described as one that casts a shadow over the other and instead is one that sheds light to others."
A little 'different, but not so.
"It's sickening story of Saturn devouring his children. There is a lot of people, like me, who would remain anonymous without panels. This is the case that someone starts to tell him thank you. "
'Type Rutelli. This place is full of revolving doors. Lets make beautiful and even civil wars of the rich careers. "
careers Rich who?
"There is plenty of choice."
let us take off the embarrassment.
"You need an American right? Massimo Teodori. You need a premier candidate for the center-left? Francesco Rutelli. Forzaitaliota a parent with a whip in his hand? Elio Vito. You need a TV host? Marco Taradash.
They say that those who approach Pannella has destroyed the life, no love, family, studies. You for example?
Son model, student model, two thirds of the examinations with an average of thirty, but I was not happy. On January 98 I went to a radical event, I went to Pannella pathetically and said: "Mr I know." Three and a half years after I became secretary of the Italian Radicals. "
How many exams did you know that after you have given panel?
See? It is the proof!
'The proof of that? ".
eating your cultural life.
"But what cultural life? Nun ce test sand. "
And even the love life.
"Of people who talks about his love life and sex will find at every street corner, so I subtract."
Who are you thinking?
"A Cecchi Paone.
Cecchi Paone is radical?
"He came to our Congress to say harsh things anti-clerical. It belongs to a culture different from mine, to those who want to outing to seven days before the vote. And then he says the Corriere della Sera, which has always been radical and that helped us to make the eight and a half percent of the vote. He and his Patroclus. "
When they want to hit you say you are all a bit 'gay.
"In the midst of the war in Kosovo, panel accusing him of ambiguous relations with Serbia, Bossi said:" Better that Milosevic Culosevic "."
It is his way of doing politics end.
"I would like to live in a country desexualized. Since we are beautiful homosexuals but do not say shit, they make their own business and not waving no flag a few days before the election. Then there's the fantastic Pecoraro gaffe a few days after its declaration of bisexuality sat next to a cow and said: "I am proud that these cows are healthy Italian." Too bad it was a bull. " You
right, the left panel. This is what divides you?
"We divide Furio Colombo."
"It's busy for a long time to explain that I am bending the history of radical right. Emma Bonino is good for him, good and democratic. There's Mark continues his interesting work box. Then there Capezzone bad, bad, fascist. "
I did a search on anxiety. Are you a big statement.
"Nun ce test, sand ... Nun is true. "
halter, two statements a day. The first was an attack on Violante.
"And I'm sorry mica. Much of the trouble the Italians in terms of justice arising from his use of anti-Mafia commission. "
The second was an attack on Scognamiglio.
"It was when he uttered the speech by President of the Senate with their hands in their pockets." Immediately after you have defined
criminal Celli, Zechariah, and Vespa.
'Criminals not them, but some of their behaviors. When I see Zechariah that makes roundabouts outside the Rai I think when he made the roundabouts Rai and I run into a little 'balls'.
Biagi and Santoro And what about?
"Do not shock me that Biagi and Santoro have been made out. They hurt a lot information in this country. The trouble is that it was Bruno Vespa. Vespa is always ready for any eventuality. I noticed that in his latest book also boasts a string of friendly familiarity with Prodi. Why Supervision Commission and the Authority permit the political agenda of the country is decided by Vespa? There is no longer a serious debate on pensions, the reform of justice, fertilization. There's only Vespa that puts three chairs here, three chairs there and make people fight. "
door to door is more importance of Parliament.
"The incredible thing about this term took place a fortnight after the opening of the chambers. The newly elected presidents, Casini and Pera, you are immediately presented to Eastenders for the settlement. " You have attacked
Fausto Bertinotti.
"Bertinotti is the champion of Italy proper, those who do not want to father, for uncle, for her husband? It's perfect, good, good. Floor plan is no longer communist, it is not violent, and Gandhi. " Have you defined
Zanotelli, Ciotti, Terzani Cofferati and "friends of terrorists."
"Not really. I acknowledge that you have not seen a single demonstration anti anti bin Laden or Saddam, but only anti Bush and anti-Sharon. " Have you defined forcaiolo
"I have great sympathy for him."
Imagine if you were obnoxious.
"Gasparri Polo reminds the importance of secular and liberal coefficient was completely lost. As Bondi. I see a lot of irony on Bondi and many heavy sarcasm is misplaced. Bondi is a decent man. " Have you defined
Floris' worse than Santoro. "
"BallarĂ² is a program of political activism. I had the pleasure of a single phone call from Floris, the next day to my complaint against him. He called me to say, but you can not do anything about this complaint? ".
Socci do you like?
"I am a friend of Socci memories but how did the episode in which he lost Melandri?.
That's why why why why why?
"I quarreled with Socci. And he said, Taliban, Taliban, Taliban, Taliban ". Both
a bit 'repetitive. A Pera you said once: shame!
"There's a Pera Pera One and a Two. The Pera One was a member of our referendum committees. I would be happy that the two Pera Pera A replay of the speeches. "
Thou take with Fini.
"Because of its drug law, which fortunately I put back in the drawer. Both said calmly: If a drug dog is presented to the Deputies crashes the nose. " Why are
She was angry with Maurizio Belpietro?
"It's a brave person. But his newspaper is boring. Worse Unit. " The worst
"Together with Bertinotti, Pecoraro and Marco Rizzo. Are functional to the political project of the center-right. They know, they know it and we speculate above. They are parasites. In fact, the networks are more Berlusconi Bondi them. " Other
you do not like?
"In addition to the shepherd and the parasite Rutelli windbag I hate veltroni, cynical doing good and bad version. The Africa? But go to hell! The government referred Veltroni was deputy prime minister is the one that brought down more of our contributions to GDP Developing countries. "
What happened to the old radical?
"Spadaccia is more to life, Negri produces Barolo, Cicciomessere is still with us, in absolute disagreement with everything we do, Mellini is a lawyer and occasionally occurs in a savage attack on a panel. Teodori delight us - let's say ... - With his essays. Corleone explains how to do it even if prohibitionism left in the five years that was under-secretary with responsibility for prisons has never made a decision on drugs or prison overcrowding. "
Once you were in the great tradition of struggle for civil rights, divorce, abortion. Now do the thirst strike on the delay in replacing a Judge of the Constitutional Court.
"Apart from the fact that they are now on hunger strike on the issue of assisted reproduction, you ask, and public funding to political parties? And the abolition of proportional? And justice right? Unpopular things? ".
Less than divorce.
"Today a similar problem to the divorce does not exist. Things are more complex. But you're at it, signing up for the referendum on assisted procreation. "
say that you have inflated the referendum.
"I find it pitiful defense of the referendum by those who hate him."
're obnoxious and pedantic?
"Do I look obnoxious and pedantic?".
Maybe your TV appearances.
"A radical that one minute on television to say something that hits. Would a bit 'funny start to the explanatory Professorin. Go
you more on TV that Pannella.
"It is true, and it is shameful. There are many programs where Pannella can not go. BallarĂ², Eastenders, Excalibur. Vespa was also kind enough to tell. Just past the competition in one of Rai was explained that the first rules was: no direct panel.
Perhaps because he is talkative.
"There are a number of panels. There is a river Pannella Pannella and synthetic. "
I missed the synthetic.
"The apparitions of panels have always amazing audience."
radicals sometimes they are sometimes left with his right hand. Turncoat?
"I think the category of the political contract. Mastella has entered and left the camp Rutelli. I would have liked to see a text in which one understood why it went in and came out.
and flatterers? Tell me about the party of Forza Italy.
"Pathetique. But the center-left is more dangerous than Berlusconi, because certain roughness does not do, it makes other. As the first floor that is connected for the victory with a square Cofferati silent majority party and the celebration ... And there is Andrea Mingardi and Umberto Eco, Bologna decent rooms all on the bandwagon. Does not taste the chorus of Forza Italy, but it is a join as equity. I remember the last text of Pasolini, a kind of curse on the impressive progressive intellectuals who are the first to have the invisible hand in invisible tile accession of the new conformism time. I will say that I already know what to write tomorrow and Barbara Spinelli Eugenio Scalfari: Bush is bad, Blair and Berlusconi is a criminal wrong. "
It is their opinion.
"No, it is Italy that is always respectable to the" right ". It will sooner or later a press release on the last four months of Montezemolo? I believe the conflict of interest. He is chairman of Fiat, Ferrari president, chairman of Fieg, president of the fair in Bologna, President Confindustria, check out the Sole 24 Ore, La Stampa and a little 'Il Corriere della Sera.
Berlusconi had assured him that would resolve the conflict of interests in one hundred days.
"It's been 10 years since 1994, and just last month Berlusconi has launched a sneaky scam. Him very badly, so badly and so that the center, when was the government, has had five years to resolve the matter and did not do so. "
Let the game of the tower. Who among you throw Mimun and Mentone?
"They are friends but I do not like their Tg '.
not give you space.
"No, not for what. Mentone is a scientific work to eliminate politics from the debate. Tg5 exist only for the summer the great heat and winter's big chill. " And
"It was difficult to understand that the Polo had lost the elections, looking at the Tg1.
Giorgino or Marzullo?
"Of Georgie I have a fantastic story. It seems to be gone for a lecture to students. The phones rang constantly. In the limit of patience was Georgie yelled to the girls: "Enough! Use the Vibrator". "
Pera or Casini?
'Save Casini. Between a liberal and a Democrat is more likely to face the one thing a liberal Democrat. "
Bondi, Schifani or Baget Bozzo?
"Butto Baget Bozzo. It is the chaplain of the barracks of freedom. "
Mastella or Pomicino?
"I wish they were antiques but I get the impression that the announcement of a future that is upon us."
Magazine (Published 08/05/2004)
"Marco Pannella sheds light." Said Capezzone, 31, secretary of the Italian Radicals. Moment of madness by charisma? Viewing from a shepherdess of Lourdes? Or just trying to explain the incredible relationship between the Old Man and the thousands of young people who go to water for fifty years to his passion and his political culture?
Capezzone, what is the story of panels that gives you the light?
"sand, nun ce test. The Perna wrote in the Journal. I had said something else. "
What you said?
"I said Pannella is described as one that casts a shadow over the other and instead is one that sheds light to others."
A little 'different, but not so.
"It's sickening story of Saturn devouring his children. There is a lot of people, like me, who would remain anonymous without panels. This is the case that someone starts to tell him thank you. "
'Type Rutelli. This place is full of revolving doors. Lets make beautiful and even civil wars of the rich careers. "
careers Rich who?
"There is plenty of choice."
let us take off the embarrassment.
"You need an American right? Massimo Teodori. You need a premier candidate for the center-left? Francesco Rutelli. Forzaitaliota a parent with a whip in his hand? Elio Vito. You need a TV host? Marco Taradash.
They say that those who approach Pannella has destroyed the life, no love, family, studies. You for example?
Son model, student model, two thirds of the examinations with an average of thirty, but I was not happy. On January 98 I went to a radical event, I went to Pannella pathetically and said: "Mr I know." Three and a half years after I became secretary of the Italian Radicals. "
How many exams did you know that after you have given panel?
See? It is the proof!
'The proof of that? ".
eating your cultural life.
"But what cultural life? Nun ce test sand. "
And even the love life.
"Of people who talks about his love life and sex will find at every street corner, so I subtract."
Who are you thinking?
"A Cecchi Paone.
Cecchi Paone is radical?
"He came to our Congress to say harsh things anti-clerical. It belongs to a culture different from mine, to those who want to outing to seven days before the vote. And then he says the Corriere della Sera, which has always been radical and that helped us to make the eight and a half percent of the vote. He and his Patroclus. "
When they want to hit you say you are all a bit 'gay.
"In the midst of the war in Kosovo, panel accusing him of ambiguous relations with Serbia, Bossi said:" Better that Milosevic Culosevic "."
It is his way of doing politics end.
"I would like to live in a country desexualized. Since we are beautiful homosexuals but do not say shit, they make their own business and not waving no flag a few days before the election. Then there's the fantastic Pecoraro gaffe a few days after its declaration of bisexuality sat next to a cow and said: "I am proud that these cows are healthy Italian." Too bad it was a bull. " You
right, the left panel. This is what divides you?
"We divide Furio Colombo."
"It's busy for a long time to explain that I am bending the history of radical right. Emma Bonino is good for him, good and democratic. There's Mark continues his interesting work box. Then there Capezzone bad, bad, fascist. "
I did a search on anxiety. Are you a big statement.
"Nun ce test, sand ... Nun is true. "
halter, two statements a day. The first was an attack on Violante.
"And I'm sorry mica. Much of the trouble the Italians in terms of justice arising from his use of anti-Mafia commission. "
The second was an attack on Scognamiglio.
"It was when he uttered the speech by President of the Senate with their hands in their pockets." Immediately after you have defined
criminal Celli, Zechariah, and Vespa.
'Criminals not them, but some of their behaviors. When I see Zechariah that makes roundabouts outside the Rai I think when he made the roundabouts Rai and I run into a little 'balls'.
Biagi and Santoro And what about?
"Do not shock me that Biagi and Santoro have been made out. They hurt a lot information in this country. The trouble is that it was Bruno Vespa. Vespa is always ready for any eventuality. I noticed that in his latest book also boasts a string of friendly familiarity with Prodi. Why Supervision Commission and the Authority permit the political agenda of the country is decided by Vespa? There is no longer a serious debate on pensions, the reform of justice, fertilization. There's only Vespa that puts three chairs here, three chairs there and make people fight. "
door to door is more importance of Parliament.
"The incredible thing about this term took place a fortnight after the opening of the chambers. The newly elected presidents, Casini and Pera, you are immediately presented to Eastenders for the settlement. " You have attacked
Fausto Bertinotti.
"Bertinotti is the champion of Italy proper, those who do not want to father, for uncle, for her husband? It's perfect, good, good. Floor plan is no longer communist, it is not violent, and Gandhi. " Have you defined
Zanotelli, Ciotti, Terzani Cofferati and "friends of terrorists."
"Not really. I acknowledge that you have not seen a single demonstration anti anti bin Laden or Saddam, but only anti Bush and anti-Sharon. " Have you defined forcaiolo
"I have great sympathy for him."
Imagine if you were obnoxious.
"Gasparri Polo reminds the importance of secular and liberal coefficient was completely lost. As Bondi. I see a lot of irony on Bondi and many heavy sarcasm is misplaced. Bondi is a decent man. " Have you defined
Floris' worse than Santoro. "
"BallarĂ² is a program of political activism. I had the pleasure of a single phone call from Floris, the next day to my complaint against him. He called me to say, but you can not do anything about this complaint? ".
Socci do you like?
"I am a friend of Socci memories but how did the episode in which he lost Melandri?.
That's why why why why why?
"I quarreled with Socci. And he said, Taliban, Taliban, Taliban, Taliban ". Both
a bit 'repetitive. A Pera you said once: shame!
"There's a Pera Pera One and a Two. The Pera One was a member of our referendum committees. I would be happy that the two Pera Pera A replay of the speeches. "
Thou take with Fini.
"Because of its drug law, which fortunately I put back in the drawer. Both said calmly: If a drug dog is presented to the Deputies crashes the nose. " Why are
She was angry with Maurizio Belpietro?
"It's a brave person. But his newspaper is boring. Worse Unit. " The worst
"Together with Bertinotti, Pecoraro and Marco Rizzo. Are functional to the political project of the center-right. They know, they know it and we speculate above. They are parasites. In fact, the networks are more Berlusconi Bondi them. " Other
you do not like?
"In addition to the shepherd and the parasite Rutelli windbag I hate veltroni, cynical doing good and bad version. The Africa? But go to hell! The government referred Veltroni was deputy prime minister is the one that brought down more of our contributions to GDP Developing countries. "
What happened to the old radical?
"Spadaccia is more to life, Negri produces Barolo, Cicciomessere is still with us, in absolute disagreement with everything we do, Mellini is a lawyer and occasionally occurs in a savage attack on a panel. Teodori delight us - let's say ... - With his essays. Corleone explains how to do it even if prohibitionism left in the five years that was under-secretary with responsibility for prisons has never made a decision on drugs or prison overcrowding. "
Once you were in the great tradition of struggle for civil rights, divorce, abortion. Now do the thirst strike on the delay in replacing a Judge of the Constitutional Court.
"Apart from the fact that they are now on hunger strike on the issue of assisted reproduction, you ask, and public funding to political parties? And the abolition of proportional? And justice right? Unpopular things? ".
Less than divorce.
"Today a similar problem to the divorce does not exist. Things are more complex. But you're at it, signing up for the referendum on assisted procreation. "
say that you have inflated the referendum.
"I find it pitiful defense of the referendum by those who hate him."
're obnoxious and pedantic?
"Do I look obnoxious and pedantic?".
Maybe your TV appearances.
"A radical that one minute on television to say something that hits. Would a bit 'funny start to the explanatory Professorin. Go
you more on TV that Pannella.
"It is true, and it is shameful. There are many programs where Pannella can not go. BallarĂ², Eastenders, Excalibur. Vespa was also kind enough to tell. Just past the competition in one of Rai was explained that the first rules was: no direct panel.
Perhaps because he is talkative.
"There are a number of panels. There is a river Pannella Pannella and synthetic. "
I missed the synthetic.
"The apparitions of panels have always amazing audience."
radicals sometimes they are sometimes left with his right hand. Turncoat?
"I think the category of the political contract. Mastella has entered and left the camp Rutelli. I would have liked to see a text in which one understood why it went in and came out.
and flatterers? Tell me about the party of Forza Italy.
"Pathetique. But the center-left is more dangerous than Berlusconi, because certain roughness does not do, it makes other. As the first floor that is connected for the victory with a square Cofferati silent majority party and the celebration ... And there is Andrea Mingardi and Umberto Eco, Bologna decent rooms all on the bandwagon. Does not taste the chorus of Forza Italy, but it is a join as equity. I remember the last text of Pasolini, a kind of curse on the impressive progressive intellectuals who are the first to have the invisible hand in invisible tile accession of the new conformism time. I will say that I already know what to write tomorrow and Barbara Spinelli Eugenio Scalfari: Bush is bad, Blair and Berlusconi is a criminal wrong. "
It is their opinion.
"No, it is Italy that is always respectable to the" right ". It will sooner or later a press release on the last four months of Montezemolo? I believe the conflict of interest. He is chairman of Fiat, Ferrari president, chairman of Fieg, president of the fair in Bologna, President Confindustria, check out the Sole 24 Ore, La Stampa and a little 'Il Corriere della Sera.
Berlusconi had assured him that would resolve the conflict of interests in one hundred days.
"It's been 10 years since 1994, and just last month Berlusconi has launched a sneaky scam. Him very badly, so badly and so that the center, when was the government, has had five years to resolve the matter and did not do so. "
Let the game of the tower. Who among you throw Mimun and Mentone?
"They are friends but I do not like their Tg '.
not give you space.
"No, not for what. Mentone is a scientific work to eliminate politics from the debate. Tg5 exist only for the summer the great heat and winter's big chill. " And
"It was difficult to understand that the Polo had lost the elections, looking at the Tg1.
Giorgino or Marzullo?
"Of Georgie I have a fantastic story. It seems to be gone for a lecture to students. The phones rang constantly. In the limit of patience was Georgie yelled to the girls: "Enough! Use the Vibrator". "
Pera or Casini?
'Save Casini. Between a liberal and a Democrat is more likely to face the one thing a liberal Democrat. "
Bondi, Schifani or Baget Bozzo?
"Butto Baget Bozzo. It is the chaplain of the barracks of freedom. "
Mastella or Pomicino?
"I wish they were antiques but I get the impression that the announcement of a future that is upon us."
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