This blog was not created with the idea that if someone filasse.
No, it is a good start. It 's like putting your hands forward as if to say "if you do not cagherà anyone, but I have said before that I did not want anyone if cagasse. While writing "cagasse" I thought I'd go back and reformulate the sentence, but instead no .. fuck. I'll leave it like that! Moreover, if no one will read it and that's what I think, why should I clear it?
Ok .. I'm about to delete the entire paragraph.
3 2 1
no.non the gate. I created
this blog because I wanted to farlo.semplice.Voglio download my daily frustrations, my fears, my pensieri.Se I can write something intimate going to be a milestone for me.Nessuno know my own intimità.E say nessuno.Ovviamente my parents do not know, but it's not even good friends, if I, or a boy. Right now I'm thinking "what the hell did I do? I know I opened a blog? Crap that was not enough of Facebook?"
1100 facebook.sono friends on a popular I think it's any Squinzi! And a lot of guys find me pussy. Too bad they're all crippled or mentally, or illegitimate children of Marty Feldman, or have some serious troubles psichica.Se I had a guy I would not need blog.Ma collect a bankruptcy .. better then a blog, which can not answer, does not break the balls, not fans of any team, does not stink after training, must not work until 8.
The Cape.
The cape is the name of a book I scritto.Una cool absurd, a beautiful story. But even better is the sequel to "A Candle in the Dark." I like my stories so much that sometimes I'm going to reread them and although I know very well what is going to happen, I'm anxious to get to the climax .
one of these days because I intend always a million goals and say "one of these days, I will soon .."
is so also was the blog.l 'I and did little to basta.un yes man insomma.oggi I started dieta.è an important thing for me, because I do not feel so at ease, I know that the rest veramente.lo super cool even though I have my belly and no, I have delusions of skinny models.però if I were not so high I would have replaced walking with rotolata.non goes, a good diet takes no.quindi fucking and diet was one of the things on the list "one of these days" which is something like this:
- one of these days really start to look for another house that my roommates do not like them anymore.
- one of these days I lock myself in the room and I think truly and earnestly to God and decide once and for all what you think.
- one of these days I go to the kennel, I make myself suffer, I face the cages of the dogs and start volunteering.
- one of these days I start to put aside money for a lot of useful things that my parents would not buy me.
- one of these days I open a blog and will be something so cool, like the cape .
one of these days I'll go to my parents, I will make them sit down and tell them "I am cagare.un case of these days I started to collect money for a ticket to los angeles.un other day I bought it on biglietto.mi sorry if you have spent € 35,000 to a private university but I want to be an actress. background if I send you a mega assegno.ciao "
one of these days ...
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