networking city
Workshop Gea Casolaro
Workshop Zineb Sedira
Workshop Dragana Tell us
Workshop Gülsün Karamustafa In Turkey, between 1975 and 1980, there was a migration that brought an immense amount of people from the countryside to large cities. Istanbul, which until then had a half million inhabitants, is populated rapidly to reach 15 million. As in any other place in the world where there has been such a phenomenon more or less the same time, the attitudes of the newcomers were similar and rather interesting because, initially, all they have built their own Cabin''and''very rapid methods in the space of one night, with any material found everywhere, and immediately you have installed the whole family. While it is often disturbed by the police, it was difficult for the central government and local authorities to send them away. At the end of their acts were ever legalized. Today, after 30 years, those houses are fully integrated into the cabin area, of course, their appearance has changed a lot over time.
Workshop Gea Casolaro
... a traditional use of photography, which tends to represent a conformist manner - because it conforms to a model pre- - To see: a house is a building, a bottle is a container. Personally it is not what interests me, I'm more interested that the image of a building or a container opens, the viewer, all the possible ways of seeing a house or a bottle, up to the very concept of living or drinking. Or inside and outside, maybe to go to the sensation of thirst or the problem of alcoholism and loneliness and so on ad infinitum. Attracts me, the photograph, which can come to express different visions of the world and his particular use demonstrates that there is a unique way of looking at and then to live the same reality, but many different ways, as there are persons who that actually live there.
Workshop Zineb Sedira
When you live abroad and have no possibility to visit a place, your knowledge is based only on the information of the media and portrait offering advertising. Of course, since I am an artist, I knew a bit 'of Florentine art history. Thus, from the beginning, it was difficult for me to situate it as any city with anonymous people, a city which for many is simply a home .
Workshop Dragana Tell us
Giovanna Fezzi, working on sewing and using the black cloth with lace inserts of lace (mourning and sensuality), displayed scenes of absence and evocation of admissions to places viable only by memory. The intervention consisted in the presence of Manuela Mancioppi cardboard tubes that visitors could take and look through various images of keyholes, the images of belly buttons for different people.
Workshop Katarzyna Kozira was a collective act of discovery of the place and at the same time question about how to deal with these places, how to deal with them. Stefania Filizola, which usually produces performance or interventions in the real, has presented a long and endless travel of herself, dressed in white that crosses or enters various places like a field of sunflowers, etc..: the loop presents this action as if it were a single large breath cycle that always returns to itself. Gaia Bartolini worked on silence and waiting. Between the camera and elements of the place like an abandoned house, a car park at night, etc.. are hindered by the artist herself from behind, in total stasis. Its duration and its resistance to look at things not decreased in degree but were the same places, things change. Andras Calamandrei, which usually use the photographic medium, in this case felt the need to occupy and stay in the place of the workshop like to emphasize that that was his space in those days. The need then was resolved in the image of a range of houses projected on a television outside of a wall with furniture obtained from all participants. Daniel Bacci, paintings and realizes that usually expressed performance in this case that has compared a drawing of Niemeyer's utopian city of Brasilia with a video of a car in his exploration of the village of Monsummano stressing time in direct contact and the case action through the sound of radio, the stop, passersby, etc..
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