SASSOLI, Head of Delegation in the European Parliament PD;
ENZO Lavarra, responsible for national forum agriculture
(from ilquotidiano . en)
In recent days, the Hon. Agostini spoke at the Chamber of Deputies in the Statement voting for the PD group addressing the issue on Pac, very important according to the Democratic Party to revitalize the agricultural sector during this period of economic crisis .
"We face today a very important debate has started the On-Agostini-willed stubbornly by the group because of the PD on a subject as important as that of the reformed Common Agricultural Policy, we do not want to miss our proposals, our support in negotiation, and urge the government and the minister who in recent years they seemed distant from the problems of agricultural enterprises and more generally the problems of the whole agricultural sector. This confrontation comes at a time of extraordinary general economic crisis, which as we know it is unloaded with particular violence on their structurally weakest sectors of our economy, and they certainly should be included in the food industry. "
" In the partial and insufficient anti-crisis measures - said the Hon. Agostini-built by the government there was even the word agriculture. For all enough to remember the miserable end of the measure on agricultural competitiveness, the party with the support and the clamor of the Minister Zaia, which shows how that decision was made to revitalize the agricultural sector, but then ended with Mr Galan on becoming only the while important measure as unenforceable on the label. Today, the CAP is
perhaps the last, only time to save the Italian agriculture from the brink of an irreversible crisis and underestimate it would be an unforgivable mistake, so the motion presented by the PD ask that the government and the minister make a commitment to the challenge awaits us. "
" Here Sir, - said the Honourable the Pd-wanted to present this motion to reaffirm once again the seriousness with which we deal with the comparison of the merits we are aware that the stakes in the negotiations for the review of the CAP is very high, so even in front of your superficiality we assume an attitude of great responsibility because the Italian agricultural sector this may be an opportunity. But this opportunity can be seized only if the Italian government will give strength, courage, authority sites in Europe, all of these requirements to date have missed the Italian government and especially the ministers of agriculture. "
'Europe Mr. Minister, concluded the Hon. Agostini-in that Europe need not be those who believe in the national office riding the easy demagoguery of special interests, because this makes us more vulnerable to lack credibility when you sit at the tables of the European Commission. Basically if you exchange for extra time to mess with as in the case of milk quotas with general interests in favor of domestic agriculture has been weak and weakens the our country, and we hope this will ensure that no traveling the roads in the recent past but for once, we hold to the rule of the seriousness of our agriculture needs it. "
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