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Saturday, March 19, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Hiperhidrosis Or Hyperthyroidism
THE WORLD OF WORK AND WORKERS, experience, analysis and proposals for ending the crisis
Introduction of Marianna Barin
(Provincial Directorate Democratic Party)
Greetings Federico ossuaries
( Provincial Secretary of the Democratic Party)
Speech of Hon.
Anna Margherita Miotto (Social Affairs Commission)
contributions and experiences from the world of work
(aid workers)
Projection documentary "The youth work "carried out by GD
Verona - Michele Fiorillo has
"job: what rights and where is it?"
Sen.Enrico Morando
(Economic Planning and Budget Committee)
On.Paola De Micheli
(National PD for Small and Medium Enterprises)
Avv.Giancarlo Moro
(expert in labor law)
Chair: Nicola
reporter of The Morning Padova
13:00 Lunch buffet
(necessary book by 28/03/2011) ---------------------
14:30 Introduction by Andrea Drezzadore
(resp. Ex voluntary associations and Prov. PD)
Intervention by Frank Corso
(PD Provincial Secretary, Mayor of Baone)
video projection on corporate crises
Roundtable "How to handle crisis situations?"
Speakers: Giancarlo Piva
(Mayor of Este)
Walter Barin
(Mayor of Solesino)
Mario Bertoli
(Mayor of Torreglia)
Franco Casotto
(Mayor of Arre)
Gianluca Gaudenzio
(resp. labor Provincial Executive PD)
Romano Boischio
(BCC official St. Helena, Mayor of St'Angelo raining)
Coordinator: Luciano
(Manager Organization Secretariat Provincial PD)
projection video interviews: Matthew Rector
(CNA Secretary Padova)
Claudio D'Ascanio
(CIA President Padova)
Maurizio Francescon
(Director Confesercenti Padova)
"Ideas and proposals for ending the crisis"
Speakers: Massimo Carraro
(AD Morellato SpA)
Jacopo Silva (Executive Confindustria Padova)
Piergiorgio Gawronski
Coordinator: Matthew
(Provincial Secretariat for social policy resp. PD)
18:00 Closing of
- -------------------
to reserve lunch (€ 15.00) 28/03/2011
by telephone:
Titian Veronese Filippo Rizzo 3453749902 3355258942 3334933626
Luciano Sguotti
or write to:
Introduction of Marianna Barin
(Provincial Directorate Democratic Party)
Greetings Federico ossuaries
( Provincial Secretary of the Democratic Party)
Speech of Hon.
Anna Margherita Miotto (Social Affairs Commission)
contributions and experiences from the world of work
(aid workers)
Projection documentary "The youth work "carried out by GD
Verona - Michele Fiorillo has
"job: what rights and where is it?"
Sen.Enrico Morando
(Economic Planning and Budget Committee)
On.Paola De Micheli
(National PD for Small and Medium Enterprises)
Avv.Giancarlo Moro
(expert in labor law)
Chair: Nicola
reporter of The Morning Padova
13:00 Lunch buffet
(necessary book by 28/03/2011) ---------------------
14:30 Introduction by Andrea Drezzadore
(resp. Ex voluntary associations and Prov. PD)
Intervention by Frank Corso
(PD Provincial Secretary, Mayor of Baone)
video projection on corporate crises
Roundtable "How to handle crisis situations?"
Speakers: Giancarlo Piva
(Mayor of Este)
Walter Barin
(Mayor of Solesino)
Mario Bertoli
(Mayor of Torreglia)
Franco Casotto
(Mayor of Arre)
Gianluca Gaudenzio
(resp. labor Provincial Executive PD)
Romano Boischio
(BCC official St. Helena, Mayor of St'Angelo raining)
Coordinator: Luciano
(Manager Organization Secretariat Provincial PD)
projection video interviews: Matthew Rector
(CNA Secretary Padova)
Claudio D'Ascanio
(CIA President Padova)
Maurizio Francescon
(Director Confesercenti Padova)
"Ideas and proposals for ending the crisis"
Speakers: Massimo Carraro
(AD Morellato SpA)
Jacopo Silva (Executive Confindustria Padova)
Piergiorgio Gawronski
Coordinator: Matthew
(Provincial Secretariat for social policy resp. PD)
18:00 Closing of
- -------------------
to reserve lunch (€ 15.00) 28/03/2011
by telephone:
Titian Veronese Filippo Rizzo 3453749902 3355258942 3334933626
Luciano Sguotti
or write to:
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Eruption Blister In Baby Gum
Monday 14 March at 21 - BlueDream HOTEL (ex Ceffri), Monselice - PD
SASSOLI, Head of Delegation in the European Parliament PD;
ENZO Lavarra, responsible for national forum agriculture
(from ilquotidiano . en)
In recent days, the Hon. Agostini spoke at the Chamber of Deputies in the Statement voting for the PD group addressing the issue on Pac, very important according to the Democratic Party to revitalize the agricultural sector during this period of economic crisis .
"We face today a very important debate has started the On-Agostini-willed stubbornly by the group because of the PD on a subject as important as that of the reformed Common Agricultural Policy, we do not want to miss our proposals, our support in negotiation, and urge the government and the minister who in recent years they seemed distant from the problems of agricultural enterprises and more generally the problems of the whole agricultural sector. This confrontation comes at a time of extraordinary general economic crisis, which as we know it is unloaded with particular violence on their structurally weakest sectors of our economy, and they certainly should be included in the food industry. "
" In the partial and insufficient anti-crisis measures - said the Hon. Agostini-built by the government there was even the word agriculture. For all enough to remember the miserable end of the measure on agricultural competitiveness, the party with the support and the clamor of the Minister Zaia, which shows how that decision was made to revitalize the agricultural sector, but then ended with Mr Galan on becoming only the while important measure as unenforceable on the label. Today, the CAP is
perhaps the last, only time to save the Italian agriculture from the brink of an irreversible crisis and underestimate it would be an unforgivable mistake, so the motion presented by the PD ask that the government and the minister make a commitment to the challenge awaits us. "
" Here Sir, - said the Honourable the Pd-wanted to present this motion to reaffirm once again the seriousness with which we deal with the comparison of the merits we are aware that the stakes in the negotiations for the review of the CAP is very high, so even in front of your superficiality we assume an attitude of great responsibility because the Italian agricultural sector this may be an opportunity. But this opportunity can be seized only if the Italian government will give strength, courage, authority sites in Europe, all of these requirements to date have missed the Italian government and especially the ministers of agriculture. "
'Europe Mr. Minister, concluded the Hon. Agostini-in that Europe need not be those who believe in the national office riding the easy demagoguery of special interests, because this makes us more vulnerable to lack credibility when you sit at the tables of the European Commission. Basically if you exchange for extra time to mess with as in the case of milk quotas with general interests in favor of domestic agriculture has been weak and weakens the our country, and we hope this will ensure that no traveling the roads in the recent past but for once, we hold to the rule of the seriousness of our agriculture needs it. "
SASSOLI, Head of Delegation in the European Parliament PD;
ENZO Lavarra, responsible for national forum agriculture
(from ilquotidiano . en)
In recent days, the Hon. Agostini spoke at the Chamber of Deputies in the Statement voting for the PD group addressing the issue on Pac, very important according to the Democratic Party to revitalize the agricultural sector during this period of economic crisis .
"We face today a very important debate has started the On-Agostini-willed stubbornly by the group because of the PD on a subject as important as that of the reformed Common Agricultural Policy, we do not want to miss our proposals, our support in negotiation, and urge the government and the minister who in recent years they seemed distant from the problems of agricultural enterprises and more generally the problems of the whole agricultural sector. This confrontation comes at a time of extraordinary general economic crisis, which as we know it is unloaded with particular violence on their structurally weakest sectors of our economy, and they certainly should be included in the food industry. "
" In the partial and insufficient anti-crisis measures - said the Hon. Agostini-built by the government there was even the word agriculture. For all enough to remember the miserable end of the measure on agricultural competitiveness, the party with the support and the clamor of the Minister Zaia, which shows how that decision was made to revitalize the agricultural sector, but then ended with Mr Galan on becoming only the while important measure as unenforceable on the label. Today, the CAP is
perhaps the last, only time to save the Italian agriculture from the brink of an irreversible crisis and underestimate it would be an unforgivable mistake, so the motion presented by the PD ask that the government and the minister make a commitment to the challenge awaits us. "
" Here Sir, - said the Honourable the Pd-wanted to present this motion to reaffirm once again the seriousness with which we deal with the comparison of the merits we are aware that the stakes in the negotiations for the review of the CAP is very high, so even in front of your superficiality we assume an attitude of great responsibility because the Italian agricultural sector this may be an opportunity. But this opportunity can be seized only if the Italian government will give strength, courage, authority sites in Europe, all of these requirements to date have missed the Italian government and especially the ministers of agriculture. "
'Europe Mr. Minister, concluded the Hon. Agostini-in that Europe need not be those who believe in the national office riding the easy demagoguery of special interests, because this makes us more vulnerable to lack credibility when you sit at the tables of the European Commission. Basically if you exchange for extra time to mess with as in the case of milk quotas with general interests in favor of domestic agriculture has been weak and weakens the our country, and we hope this will ensure that no traveling the roads in the recent past but for once, we hold to the rule of the seriousness of our agriculture needs it. "
Perception Femininity
regional budget, the proposals of the Democratic Party for a maneuver with a different
series of amendments, which define a kind of alternative movement, focusing on a few priority issues, the group of the Democratic Party in the Veneto Regional Council wants to resurrect the budget yesterday, in the present, the chairman of the junta, Luca Zaia, has defined a ' 'Excellent''corpse. Some of the amendments package''- announced the leader of the Democratic Party, Laura Puppo - have already cashed the sharing of other opposition groups.''
Listing the points subject to amendment, Puppato stated the specific amount requested by the opposition and where to find items of expenditure. One of the first Pd cites the need for the extraordinary plan for the defense and hydraulic hydrogeological land (100 million euro for 2011, available from the residues for the regional road network is not used). An additional 30 million euro are made for the local public transport, 15 for the special fund to support workers and 10 for small businesses, 20 for social services, 50 for long-term care, care for 20 disabled, 16 for structures for children, schools and 1.4 for the right to education, 10 for the support of the rents.
The PD also calls made in this budget transfers announced by the government,''at least in his predictions minimum, as they did other regions,''he noted Puppato. Amounts are substantial, he said the leader of the PD, because it says at least 25 million from European funds for the flood, at least 100 for health, others for local public transport.
The budget presented by the majority, said Lucio Tiozzo,''remains open because there is no certainty about what and how many can still get funding.'' ''Beyond the resources that can still get there - said Piero Ruzzante - we found that some sections of the budget for one year could tighten their belts,''recovering 16 million € for priority activities such as diverting from € 130 000 for external expertise, from 300 000 for traveling expenses of the directors, from one million to public celebrations, by 800 000 initiatives for promotion of the Veneto, from 365 000 to the publishing business. You can not''- said the director - scrape the bottom of the barrel of families in need and provide for these costs.''
advisers of the Democratic Party have also highlighted that on Saturday, in Padua, the Democratic Party has organized a demonstration against the cuts''low-grade''in the budget.

Monday, February 28 at 21 at the council chamber of City Hall Pozzonovo public meeting with
Laura Puppo, PD leader in the regional council;
FEDERICO ossuaries, provincial secretary of the Democratic Party;
regional budget, the proposals of the Democratic Party for a maneuver with a different
series of amendments, which define a kind of alternative movement, focusing on a few priority issues, the group of the Democratic Party in the Veneto Regional Council wants to resurrect the budget yesterday, in the present, the chairman of the junta, Luca Zaia, has defined a ' 'Excellent''corpse. Some of the amendments package''- announced the leader of the Democratic Party, Laura Puppo - have already cashed the sharing of other opposition groups.''
Listing the points subject to amendment, Puppato stated the specific amount requested by the opposition and where to find items of expenditure. One of the first Pd cites the need for the extraordinary plan for the defense and hydraulic hydrogeological land (100 million euro for 2011, available from the residues for the regional road network is not used). An additional 30 million euro are made for the local public transport, 15 for the special fund to support workers and 10 for small businesses, 20 for social services, 50 for long-term care, care for 20 disabled, 16 for structures for children, schools and 1.4 for the right to education, 10 for the support of the rents.
The PD also calls made in this budget transfers announced by the government,''at least in his predictions minimum, as they did other regions,''he noted Puppato. Amounts are substantial, he said the leader of the PD, because it says at least 25 million from European funds for the flood, at least 100 for health, others for local public transport.
The budget presented by the majority, said Lucio Tiozzo,''remains open because there is no certainty about what and how many can still get funding.'' ''Beyond the resources that can still get there - said Piero Ruzzante - we found that some sections of the budget for one year could tighten their belts,''recovering 16 million € for priority activities such as diverting from € 130 000 for external expertise, from 300 000 for traveling expenses of the directors, from one million to public celebrations, by 800 000 initiatives for promotion of the Veneto, from 365 000 to the publishing business. You can not''- said the director - scrape the bottom of the barrel of families in need and provide for these costs.''
advisers of the Democratic Party have also highlighted that on Saturday, in Padua, the Democratic Party has organized a demonstration against the cuts''low-grade''in the budget.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Bottomless Women Australia
ZooMumba the zoo is more fun online on the web! Buy and handling animals most bizarre and fascinating irresistible and make your zoo. After Farmerama this is the second most entertaining game of the moment!
ZooMumba the zoo is more fun online on the web! Buy and handling animals most bizarre and fascinating irresistible and make your zoo. After Farmerama this is the second most entertaining game of the moment!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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