Dear David, are
stremata.Nella your last letter you asked me about my health, well, I feel old, lazy and weak, especially debole.Mi seems as if any moment my bones no longer hold the weight of the flesh and muscles and tiny ticks give signs of their failure to make me a carcass on a sidewalk and then powder disappears like paraffin.
Your loved aphorisms always make me think. You say that yesterday and tomorrow are days that we can not have and we must seize our giorno.Quanto romance in the old carpe diem and you David.Con Over the six years younger while accumulating a lot of your experiences, your boarding passes, your photos, your soprammobili.Mi're away but I seem to see you busy between a phone and the other, a dinner and a brunch, look for a pen and paper to write.
You can imagine me? When I think about it, what do you do? Me pictures around with friends, sitting on a bench watching the dogs out for a cone or maybe my pictures while I sleep and dream? Almost nothing more
I appartiene.Il this world lies before my eyes, but remains far ahead of me to get to grip or just sfiorarlo.Il time goes on relentlessly every day and I'm older, tired, dry and sola.Non c 'and stand for this stanchezza.Se close my eyes and I feel dizzy if I keep them open to what I'm male.Niente mine and what's worse, I do not even belong to anyone. They are all
of miles ahead of me and I, I just can not relay afferrarla.Che terrible game!
In the end it would be better if I had never conosciuto.Dentro me I always knew there was someone somewhere in the world but I would have surrendered to the fact that it is virtually impossible to find the One between 7 billion anime.Ma successo.In is another universe, that has nothing to do with mine, he exists, he wakes up every morning, Recca in a new job, good morning to a new woman has new thoughts that no longer include me.
I know, I so.Sono past five years.I ieri.Se I think you saw me now I'd give thirty Dave.Non is nothing in my twenties aspetto.Ha carried everything away with it, including my young age.
Do you remember when we stopped to smoke on the wall before I came to school? How many laughs! And the day when you told me it was time for you to go via.Oddio.Se I look behind me, I see only a collection of mourning, with no departures arrivals, the dark corners of tristezza.Come I hope for a bright future if there is only darkness behind me? It 's like walking on a path tracing, follow a dim light at the end of the route already marked before me, a light that is always obscured by the darkness to quickly pù my back and now, everything around me.
I wish things were diversamente.Vorrei write you a letter when you say it's alright, I have a good job, I earn enough to buy a house for me alone and pay the expenses of my parents, I'm fine, that there is someone who makes me happy just by his presence, that studying, see friends, buy clothes, combing hair, putting his heels, a family dream, to have a car, are all I want and that make me felice.La truth is that if you do not want to end up beating her fists against the wall or hurl everything I have at home on the floor jack from one of my rapture, I just turn off the thinking nor the cervello.Non past nor to futuro.COnvincermi I'm doing the right thing, which involved in the studies is the right thing and that there is good and the beautiful in the world and for me, I deserve to be happy.
Remember me, David.
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