interview the chairman of the Judiciary Committee room
Bongiorno: do not we go
Mai i am under the government
"Berlusconi? not correspond to his idea of \u200b\u200ba woman. Surprise that we were so few with Fini "
ROME - Giulia Bongiorno, Berlusconi has summoned in person, as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. She has always been silent so far.
"Actually, it happens in months. Every time I go to Palazzo Grazioli to talk about justice, the day after I read the newspapers that Berlusconi would have said: "Levatemela away". Phrases like arrows from the forest. Now I read that depending on the condition that Mr Berlusconi had asked to Fini, after the "enough with the counterpoint," was in fact the "Stop with the critical judgments of Bongiorno. The lawyer couple was out of breath: "Do you have requested not to give critical judgments?".
And what did she say?
"I do not know whether to be more surprised or saddened. Contradicting Andreotti, who also considers me like a daughter. Just a technical objection Berlusconi to be told "levatemela feet". "
Because you do not like Berlusconi? It does not correspond to his idea of \u200b\u200ba woman? Or his idea of \u200b\u200bjustice reform?
"I certainly do not correspond to his idea of \u200b\u200ba woman. Concerning justice, I share the same goals of Berlusconi: reducing interceptions, the separation of careers, the new way of electing the CSM. Simply, I have proposed and propose a different route to get there. "
The next node are the intercepts.
'The text left the room seemed a good compromise. We will see the new arrival in the Senate. There were calls that I think Napolitano should be accepted. I agree with the need to avoid the abuse of wiretapping. I was opposed, and I would oppose a ban for the crime of corruption, which is for me a very serious crime of public alarm, because affecting the merits, circumvents the value. "
Berlusconi considers the reform of the justice priorities.
"I agree: let's not squander this opportunity. But any reform must have as its first point greater efficiency. Wait eight years for a criminal sentence is to make mad with pain the victim and punish the man who is not the same. To ensure that resources are needed but not currently exist. Unfortunately, justice is considered a political matter without appeal. I remember the first meetings. I recommended: "Do not talk about justice, that people are bored. You have to say security." As if it was only important to the arrests, not processes. " She did perform
Andreotti, is considered guaranteed. As ever with Mr Berlusconi did not you understand?
"I am assured. And I am a moderate. The rights of defense are sacred to me, but do not coincide with the assurance of "pockets of impunity," as rightly said Fini. We voted the Alfano and will vote its inclusion in the Constitution, because Fini has always recognized that there is a judicial obstinacy against Berlusconi, but we stopped short limitation - which is different from the short trial - because it would have blown up 600 thousand jobs. "
Fini Berlusconi has reminded, that did not appreciate.
"But it's true. We support the separation of their careers and equality between the prosecution and defense, but there are different ways to achieve it. We would oppose any mechanism put the prosecutor under the control of the executive. Why do governments change, and it is said that the next is guaranteed. "
the way, there are the numbers in Parliament to another government?
"excludes absolutely that Fini has in mind a plan like that. "
not pull air of early elections?
"I do not seem to be neither predictable nor desirable. Still, the decision rests with the head of state. "
What happens now? You will leave the PDL and your positions?
"We're not going. Let us, and we do nothing of what we are attribute. No boycott, for instance. Of course we will continue to express our ideas, even if dissonant. "
Fini does not resign from the chairmanship of the House then? And you?
"Fine, I just heard. Obviously does not resign. I will do what he asks me to do. In any case, the problem will be solved by himself, the committee chairman will expire soon. I read that circulate lists of proscription. We'll see what will Berlusconi. For me it does not make much difference, since it will continue to stand as legal adviser to Fini. "
not you have been so many.
"Many of us, myself included, in the direction they are not entitled to vote. But it's true: I was surprised to see that we were so few. Perhaps my surprise is because they are not a long time in politics. Of course mine is a privileged position: I have a job, are among the top contributors of the House, although not among the rich, simply, if you only do once I get a euro invoice. Fini told us that remember a phrase I was very impressed, "Who will stay with me will lose share of power." Evidence, not everyone was ready. "
The "colonels" had long been close to Berlusconi.
"But remember, when there was still the AN, Fini was worshiped in the party."
They say it's not their fault if he is not right.
"This story should be thorough change of Fini. I know him well, I've been close in these five years when his life actually changed much. I am godmother to her daughter Carolina. I assure you that Fini is a man of deep consistency. "
Safe Safe?
"Let the law. An was considered in the first value of the right. But where were these two years the former managers of An, as if it were not for us would jump 600 thousand jobs? What is their right in the heart of the battle for legality? The point is that the battle for legality has done fine, almost alone. "
be born at the center the "party of the nation"?
"Fini there has not ever spoken. I'm sure he will play his second to the last game in the PDL. " Last
latter might be near. He did not feel that Berlusconi wants to send you away?
"In fact it was possible to find points of contact, but it was dropped. If the final document had been shown the commitment of the whole Party to support the government program, we would have voted us. But the document was written in the reverse logic. "
Are you saying that Berlusconi has tried to break?
I'm not saying that. Of course, the lineup of the day was obviously built to isolate Gianfranco.
How do you feel the acceleration of the interview Bossi Padania?
'It is clear that Bossi and Berlusconi are moving in harmony to minimize the questions raised by Fini. But we will not give. I believe that it is still possible to do so. Certainly after the direction nothing will ever be. "
Aldo Cazzullo
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
How To Delete Livestrong Free Account

Dear David, are
stremata.Nella your last letter you asked me about my health, well, I feel old, lazy and weak, especially debole.Mi seems as if any moment my bones no longer hold the weight of the flesh and muscles and tiny ticks give signs of their failure to make me a carcass on a sidewalk and then powder disappears like paraffin.
Your loved aphorisms always make me think. You say that yesterday and tomorrow are days that we can not have and we must seize our giorno.Quanto romance in the old carpe diem and you David.Con Over the six years younger while accumulating a lot of your experiences, your boarding passes, your photos, your soprammobili.Mi're away but I seem to see you busy between a phone and the other, a dinner and a brunch, look for a pen and paper to write.
You can imagine me? When I think about it, what do you do? Me pictures around with friends, sitting on a bench watching the dogs out for a cone or maybe my pictures while I sleep and dream? Almost nothing more
I appartiene.Il this world lies before my eyes, but remains far ahead of me to get to grip or just sfiorarlo.Il time goes on relentlessly every day and I'm older, tired, dry and sola.Non c 'and stand for this stanchezza.Se close my eyes and I feel dizzy if I keep them open to what I'm male.Niente mine and what's worse, I do not even belong to anyone. They are all
of miles ahead of me and I, I just can not relay afferrarla.Che terrible game!
In the end it would be better if I had never conosciuto.Dentro me I always knew there was someone somewhere in the world but I would have surrendered to the fact that it is virtually impossible to find the One between 7 billion anime.Ma successo.In is another universe, that has nothing to do with mine, he exists, he wakes up every morning, Recca in a new job, good morning to a new woman has new thoughts that no longer include me.
I know, I so.Sono past five years.I ieri.Se I think you saw me now I'd give thirty Dave.Non is nothing in my twenties aspetto.Ha carried everything away with it, including my young age.
Do you remember when we stopped to smoke on the wall before I came to school? How many laughs! And the day when you told me it was time for you to go via.Oddio.Se I look behind me, I see only a collection of mourning, with no departures arrivals, the dark corners of tristezza.Come I hope for a bright future if there is only darkness behind me? It 's like walking on a path tracing, follow a dim light at the end of the route already marked before me, a light that is always obscured by the darkness to quickly pù my back and now, everything around me.
I wish things were diversamente.Vorrei write you a letter when you say it's alright, I have a good job, I earn enough to buy a house for me alone and pay the expenses of my parents, I'm fine, that there is someone who makes me happy just by his presence, that studying, see friends, buy clothes, combing hair, putting his heels, a family dream, to have a car, are all I want and that make me felice.La truth is that if you do not want to end up beating her fists against the wall or hurl everything I have at home on the floor jack from one of my rapture, I just turn off the thinking nor the cervello.Non past nor to futuro.COnvincermi I'm doing the right thing, which involved in the studies is the right thing and that there is good and the beautiful in the world and for me, I deserve to be happy.
Remember me, David.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
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Piero Ruzzante and Germana Urbani Pozzonovo
Monday, April 12 at 21 at the headquarters of the Circle of Pd Pozzonovo, meeting with Piero Ruzzante, regional councilor of the Democratic Party and Germana Urbani, a young candidate strongly supported by the club. It will be an opportunity to analyze the outcome of their vote and to speak with the PD we want, perhaps with less strategists behind the scenes or in closed buildings and closer to the people. A party with more imagination in the way of communicating, a very popular party, more open, able to look only at the periphery without fade away in the real city. A party that can translate in practice what was proposed at birth: renovation, gender representation, the presence territory;
A Pozzonovo some time we realized that if you want you can! Just set aside some old patterns correntizi, get everyone available for a joint project, involving and motivating. In this spirit, have fun as well, because the group is coming together to make beautiful and entusiasmente. The recipe that we want to get the PD is probably much easier than you might imagine ...

A Pozzonovo some time we realized that if you want you can! Just set aside some old patterns correntizi, get everyone available for a joint project, involving and motivating. In this spirit, have fun as well, because the group is coming together to make beautiful and entusiasmente. The recipe that we want to get the PD is probably much easier than you might imagine ...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Invitation To First Death Anniversay
Impressions of Paris
I'm back from Paris for almost a settimana.Come every time I find myself thinking about the speed that I had to leave London lasciato.Quando the last time was terrible, but because it was not only beautiful city \u200b\u200bwith all its motions of life and the people who knew ladciavo but definitely the most imprtante closing chapter of my life so far: let Talon. The terrible thing in itself was not to see him go in the subway to High Street Kensington but that was in the days that followed I thought no more of him as the amazing person that I thought was fosse.Qualcosa cambiato.Ma that's another story.
As rigurda Paris, needless to say that I imagined diversa.Non best, not worst, just different, but still I was absolutely fascinated and amazed. It 's a city that seems to have stopped in 800 and also the people who live there, people from the cold but polite manner, and always well-dressed elegant with their beautiful speech that seem not to belong to the Caucasian race, not noisy and messy as the Italians closed and gray as the British. A breed apart, that is.
In five days I visited most of the city, from tourist areas such as Pigalle and Montmarte in areas such as the tres chic Marais.Un 'exhausting long walk around the Louvre and the Musee d'Orsay seemed to me the price for a 'whole day spent in the enchanting Pere Lachaise cemetery, where I finally was able to do a prayer in front of the tomb of Jim Morrison and Oscar Wilde.
E 'was exciting and I'll put some money aside for I also have a tomb like the ones I saw angels with their faces turned towards the tomb and the hand that hides the tears or mini-castles for one bara.Stupendo, but nothing too impressive.
If I were to say what was the place I liked most was that I would certainly Pere Lachaise.
But, of course, my enthusiasm did not last for days despite all the 5 days have been quite happy and carefree considered my mood.
In a bistro, while others talked and laughed and joked, I wondered what I was doing there and how it happened to me other times it seemed that everything I did not made sense. What sense does it go to a city with two friends, what sense does a trip paid for by their parents for almost 22 years? Do not know.
It is not depression, credo.E 's just that the meaning of my life I still oscuro.Sto building my future without living the present, this is my thought impressione.E accompagato me during my stay in Parigi.Cercavo Chess saddened but not returning it on time and when there was nothing to laugh, I could not help but pensarci.E that 's why in addition to the nostalgia of a city that I would like mine, always accessible and "owning" a weary sadness that binds me to Parigi.Credo only when it's been a while, I can really understand how I feel today and how I felt then.
I'm not happy neither satisfied nor realizzata.Sbadiglio continuously and it seems to me to live in a constant state of fatigue as a perennial letargia.Dato I'm not studying anything, look at all the night the day, the only time I do not feel guilty if I sleep and do nothing.
I'm back from Paris for almost a settimana.Come every time I find myself thinking about the speed that I had to leave London lasciato.Quando the last time was terrible, but because it was not only beautiful city \u200b\u200bwith all its motions of life and the people who knew ladciavo but definitely the most imprtante closing chapter of my life so far: let Talon. The terrible thing in itself was not to see him go in the subway to High Street Kensington but that was in the days that followed I thought no more of him as the amazing person that I thought was fosse.Qualcosa cambiato.Ma that's another story.
As rigurda Paris, needless to say that I imagined diversa.Non best, not worst, just different, but still I was absolutely fascinated and amazed. It 's a city that seems to have stopped in 800 and also the people who live there, people from the cold but polite manner, and always well-dressed elegant with their beautiful speech that seem not to belong to the Caucasian race, not noisy and messy as the Italians closed and gray as the British. A breed apart, that is.
In five days I visited most of the city, from tourist areas such as Pigalle and Montmarte in areas such as the tres chic Marais.Un 'exhausting long walk around the Louvre and the Musee d'Orsay seemed to me the price for a 'whole day spent in the enchanting Pere Lachaise cemetery, where I finally was able to do a prayer in front of the tomb of Jim Morrison and Oscar Wilde.
E 'was exciting and I'll put some money aside for I also have a tomb like the ones I saw angels with their faces turned towards the tomb and the hand that hides the tears or mini-castles for one bara.Stupendo, but nothing too impressive.
If I were to say what was the place I liked most was that I would certainly Pere Lachaise.
But, of course, my enthusiasm did not last for days despite all the 5 days have been quite happy and carefree considered my mood.
In a bistro, while others talked and laughed and joked, I wondered what I was doing there and how it happened to me other times it seemed that everything I did not made sense. What sense does it go to a city with two friends, what sense does a trip paid for by their parents for almost 22 years? Do not know.
It is not depression, credo.E 's just that the meaning of my life I still oscuro.Sto building my future without living the present, this is my thought impressione.E accompagato me during my stay in Parigi.Cercavo Chess saddened but not returning it on time and when there was nothing to laugh, I could not help but pensarci.E that 's why in addition to the nostalgia of a city that I would like mine, always accessible and "owning" a weary sadness that binds me to Parigi.Credo only when it's been a while, I can really understand how I feel today and how I felt then.
I'm not happy neither satisfied nor realizzata.Sbadiglio continuously and it seems to me to live in a constant state of fatigue as a perennial letargia.Dato I'm not studying anything, look at all the night the day, the only time I do not feel guilty if I sleep and do nothing.
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